Poo is such a funny topic. It cracks me up how much mommy obsesses about it. I always hear her talking about my poo to Daddy and her friends and she even makes silly Poo noises at me. She’ll make funny faces and go Poo Poo Pooooo. Cracks me up. Sometimes it’s followed by Pee Peee Peeeee! She seems really excited about it; you can’t help but to laugh! Not too long ago, I didn’t poop for a week. Mommy totally freaked out. So I said fine...I’ll poop. Gave her 6 good ones. In a row! Mommy nearly fainted from relief. It all happened on Grandma’s watch though (hard to hold out until Mommy got home) so I figured I had to give Mommy another scare – just for the heck of it. A boys gotta entertain himself somehow you know. So off I went for another 7 days of pooplessness. Boy, this got Mommy going nuts! She gave me juice which I acted like I didn’t like. That sent her into a tizzy. She tried water...but I made her give it to me from a spoon...heh heh my servant. She gave me Karo syrup, but I still wouldn’t budge. She even got Grandma involved! I kept my little bum closed tight though all the while secretly laughing and farting up a storm. This is where Mommy went from frantic, to delusional... singing fart songs. Every morning she’d sing F-A-R-T come on Khai, Fart for Meeeee!! Haha...and boy did I. She says I’m worse than Daddy and I think Daddy even agrees. I’ve made him run out of the room on several occasions. I feel like such a champ. Then mommy did the unspeakable, which I mentioned in my previous blog....she stuck me...in the bum. Twice. Hmph. No fun at all and with that my games were over and it was time for revenge. Mommy was so obsessed with me pooping (and getting a little panicky), I decided I was going to poop. A lot. I’m so evil. I had to pay her back for sticking me with the suppositories. Yesterday I messed up three perfectly good outfits. Oooh, you shoulda seen Mommy, scrubbing away at my clothes..heh heh... And the day before...I exploded. And just to make things interesting, not too long afterwards (after I was cleaned up and changed) I exploded again! Haha! I made sure it shot straight up my back and got all over my clothes, the bed, and my changing pad. Mommy had to give me a bath straight away. I bet Mommy is at work now telling her friends and co-workers about it. And most likely she’ll tell Coopers mom who is just as obsessed about poo as she is. Silly Mommies, who knew poo could stir up so much! Oh and I really don’t get why..but Mommy laughed so hard at me this morning when I sighed after I farted. Who wouldn’t sigh? It was of the utmost relief to get that stuff out! Ahhhhhh....