Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm a Roly Poly and it's Official.

A while back, I rolled. I did it once or twice then never looked back. Yesterday I rolled twice at my grandma's house and then last night I got to rolling again and wouldn't stop. Mommy was feeding me and I just decided to roll for her out of the blue. You know me, always throwing her for a loop. She called for Daddy and they were both so excited so I kept on doing it. I even doubled rolled a couple times! I rolled all over the bed all night long. Daddy decided it was best to move me to my crib just in case I rolled off the bed, but I didn't like that very much so I got back into their bed and Mommy put me in one of those wedge things so that I wouldn't roll but I rolled right over it. hee hee. Finally they barricaded me in with some pillows. Eventually, I fell asleep and Mommy says I continued to roll while I was sleeping - I guess once I got going, I didn't want to stop! Mommy said she was afraid I'd roll over on my face and not be able to breath so she watched me like a hawk all night long. She was already up anyways from about 3am on because my belly was hurting so bad I kept waking up - and ssshh, don't tell anyone because it will ruin my reputation, but I cried, alot. She rocked me back to sleep several times and when she'd put me back down she said I'd roll over to my belly - it helped my bellyache. Mommy wasn't sure if this was ok for me to do but she kept a close eye on me and made sure I was fine. She is now trying to pinpoint what has been causing my bellyaches for the past few nights - could be the blueberry she gave me, or something she ate. Who knows. Point is, I'm a roly poly and thats all that matters right now. I'll post a picture later when I have one.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Slinging It

This weekend my Mommy and I got a new sling. She had been really wanting one so she could carry me all over the place since I love being near her and in her arms.The first sling we got was too big. This new one is a little hard for me to get in but once I'm in there I'm ok. They say it will take practice. Mommy has been practicing all weekend and when she finally got me in nice and secure, I fell fast asleep and slept a whole hour. The second time she had me in there, I fell asleep again! Its great because Mommy can carry me around and rock me while doing lots of other things. Here is a picture of me in my sling.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day!

Today marks Mommy's first Mothers Day...all because of ME! I wanted everything to be perfect for her, so I woke her up at 4am with big smiles and a kick to her tummy. I did this for about a good solid hour. She didn't seem to mind. See, THIS is why I love my Mommy soooo much. We played for a good while, then we finally got Daddy up around 7am and had some breakfast and played a bit more. I didn't want to take my morning nap because I didn't want to miss out on anything on Mommy's big day. Around 10:30am we left to go meet up with Daddy's side of the family AND I got to meet my great grand parents! Mommy told me that was a very cool thing because not every kid gets to do that. I was a little squirmy though because I hadn't taken my nap and finally just gave in. When I woke up, I was at my Mommy's Mom's house. Hung out there for a while and played until I got tired again and finally Mommy said it was time to go home to nap. The day is still young though - who knows what we'll do. Mommy has been giving me lots of kisses and hugs today and told me I'm the most special gift she has ever gotten in the whole wide world. Oh, AND I turned 7 months old today - Mommy says time is flying way too fast for her... I wonder if I can fly... ...

Monday, May 7, 2007

Whats New with Me

Just popping in to give an update:

Lets see, well my two teeth are growing more and more and I'm starting to get real good at using them too. Yesterday I gave Mommy her very first teeth mark in her arm! Been eating my solids as usual and have tried out some biscuits, puffs and frozen waffles too. I like the waffles the best.

Lately Mommy has been calling me Squiggly Worm. She says I can't stay still...and who wants to? There is so much to explore. Everything I see I feel the need to touch. At the same time, I really am not too fond of other people touching me or holding me. That right is only reserved for a select few. I am unimpressed by alot and yet some of the silliest sounds, faces and dances Mommy makes crack me up to no end.

I still don't feel like rolling around much. Mommy keeps putting me on my belly and I keep flipping back onto my back. I really have no interest in rolling...not too interested in crawling either. I want to stand and walk and have been working very hard at it too! I can stand up all by myself from sitting on Mommy's lap and can walk (though still pretty wobbly) with some help. Mommy and Daddy don't have to hold me too tightly, they just have to make sure I don't fall over, but I can do it!!! I can walk!! Almost. Pretty soon I will be running. I try to run now...gotta catch Kitty - my latest obsession. Kitty doesn't know whats in store for her, because when I get this walking thing down...she better run. I plan on pulling her tail.