Monday, June 16, 2014

Khai's Big Haircut

I didn't wake up today with the slightest notion that by the end of the day, Khai's hair would be chopped off.   His long, beautiful, signature hair. The face and style I've know practically his whole life. I knew this day would come eventually, but it really just snuck up on me and caught me by surprise.  But this entire major event didn't come just because. Nope. What pushed this one into gear was a case of lice. Some kid in Khai's class had them. A couple kids in the other 1st grade had them too, and God knows who else.  So of course we checked his head for a few days and then today we did another check and we kept going back and forth on whether or not we saw anything and finally John says we should treat his head just in case (and us, and the house...what an ordeal. Not to mention the paranoia thats running thru my mind with a small baby in tow) ... And then suggests we shave it off to make it simple.  I think both Khai and I clutched onto his hair in our minds. Khai worried he wouldn't look right, but we assured him he'd look great no matter what. Then he shocked us with his response: "let's do this!"  John did a happy dance in his mind and ran to grab the clippers. I'm sure he thought this day would never come!
A fresh cut later, I was staring at a whole new kid. I couldn't believe how he looked! I stared and stared and I just can't get over how different he looks, how much older, how handsome. I love that he loves it, I love that he was easy about having it done, I love that he's growing up... but slow down a little Khai!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Here's to a New Year!

Happy 2014!  Well.. soon. It's almost midnight and i've spent the past hours trying to get Maiya asleep. She's so tired but just won't cave. I feel bad for this little gal because somethings been a little off with her the past few days and I'm not quite sure what it is. It could just be her going thru a new developmental phase. It could be the formula I tried her on the one time. It could be absolutely nothing at all. Whatever it is (or isn't), she is happy when she's happy. Chatting nonstop and smiling her sweet baby smile. But then just as much as she does that, she cries her eyes out, turning her bottom lip out in the cutest way ever. Lately too, it seems that all she wants is Mommy. She isn't as welcoming to anyone else holding her, including her Daddy, which hopefully is short lived. I read somewhere that around this stage babies can be clingy and fussy. Perhaps thats what's going on.. just a phase.

Fast forward... it is now past midnight and woohoo! I finally got Maiya to sleep and made it out of the bedroom a whole 30 minutes before the ball dropped!  I'm not sure why I woohoo'ed that as it's really just another day/night to me at this point. But in the last moments of 2013, I was at least able to run down and hang out with Khai, Carter and John and put on my party hat and take a bunch of silly pictures, ending it all with Khai counting down the seconds and then both boys disappearing to play video games. Always with the video games...   And then fast forward again.. 2am, I'm back upstairs with Maiya. In fact i've been back upstairs for about an hour now.

And that, was my New Years Eve. Woohooooo!

Maiya's First New Years Eve!

We made ice cream in a bag! Yum!

 Happy New Year!!!

Special. Thats all I can say about these clowns.