Saturday, April 24, 2010

Baltimore Aquarium 2010

 Another year, another visit to the Baltimore Aquarium.  Total tourists. Difference is, this year Khai is a little older and had that much more fun.  The main thing he wanted to see: the sharks.

Da nuh...da nuh.....

Other Pics From The Visit

Finally Pedaling

He finally decides pedaling isn't so bad after all. In fact it looks like he loves it. I came home from work a few days ago to see Khai out on his trike and Ma Moy cheering him on. He went up and down the street on his own and it apparently didn't take much time nor effort for Ma Moy to get him to pedal all by himself. Up until now, would barely pedal, fussing and yelling I caaaaan't do it!! Ma Moy's theory is he's too small still for the big boy bike, despite him being a little too big for the trike. I guess it doesn't matter though because Ma Moy's theory got him going! Hopefully it was enough to encourage him to pedal on the big bike. :o)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday Afternoon in DC

Today we spent the afternoon in DC with Jill and Eric.  We had plans months ago to visit Madam Tussauds wax museum but plans fell thru on account of snow I believe (can't remember that far back!) and finally we were able to make it happen.  Neither John nor I had ever been - I checked out the reviews online, they were pretty poor. We decided to give it a go anyways... turns out the reviews were right. It definitely wasn't worth the cost - at least not at this particular location. I wasn't all that impressed with the way the figures looked either. Regardless, we still had a decent time  there despite it lasting less than an hour. We then hiked up a few blocks and checked out the Museum of Crime and Punishment. Awesome, awesome, awesome place!! Its really not a place for kids, but Khai was a sport and hung in there. And while it was expensive to get in, it was worth the money and we definitely loved it.  Dinner afterwards was at the Hard Rock Cafe, located next  the to the famous Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot. I've never been to one.. neither has Khai.. so there you go.. another first. Overpriced nachos that were no better than some crap you pull together at home.. the chocolate milkshake was super yum and Khai enjoyed his very first one ever. (another first! woo!). And it wouldn't be a trip out if someone doesn't call him a girl on account of his hair.  He cried when I asked him if I could give him a haircut later, but finally allowed me to cut about an inch off. For the record.. I have no plans on cutting it short. I really don't care that people think he's a girl - I don't see it.  He loves his hair and so do we. Its staying. Just had to trim it up some!

President Khai Dinh
The best part was he got on the phone and said he had to call his Mommy.

Your typical tourists.

Hanging with Robert E. Lee.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Movin on Up!

Go Khai Go! On 4/2/10 I got a notice from the director at Khai's school that he was ready to move up to the next level classroom. They have the three year olds split into two or three classes - the newbies and on up. Khai's first 3's class was with Ms. Ana and Ms. Maria. Khai adores Ms. Ana, as do we. I was a little nervous when I got the notice because for one, I didn't want him leaving Ms. Ana - what if the new teacher wasn't as nice? I also was afraid he'd have a hard time with the older kids. In the mornings when we drop him off, we drop him off in the uppper 3's classroom. Its a mad house in there. Older kids, younger kids... mainly the two adjoining rooms are totally over run with wild, crazed kids. There are several older kids who come in for before school care - then they are bused to the public school. After them are some 4 and 5 year olds - most are self sufficient, daycare kids - which by that I mean they've been there long enough to know whats what and how to stand their ground. Then there are the younger ones. Some just as rambunctious, some quiet, some groggy. Mostly Khai will just stay at the breakfast table and quietly eat his food. When his buddy Zack shows up though, I feel relief that Khai has his friend there with him and eventually Ms. Ana comes and takes them to her classroom.
Now that he's in the new class .. its the room we drop him off at in the morning (actually its the adjoining room), my concern is or was, that he'd be nervous because of these wild kids. BUT my boy proved me wrong. He still has his moments in the mornings where he's quiet or clingy - but he's adjusted quite nicely and has made a few new friends. Unfortunately Zack wasn't transitioned over and his Mommy and I have hopes that the director will do that soon. Additionally, i'm not sure but it seems the morning craziness has died down some with the older kids - I'm thinking there aren't as many of them anymore (the ones that are bused out). I will have to take a look next time to be sure. Then again, I guess I haven't been paying much attention because i've been so focused on making sure Khai is happy before I walk out.
Khai's biggest thrill about being a part of what he calls the big kid class is being able to play on the big kids playground. They have the playground divided by a fence - younger kids on one side, older kids on the other. He was pretty proud of himself when I picked him up this past Monday (his first official day in the new class)! I've only met one of his two teachers, Ms. Sandy. She is the assistant teacher. The notice that was sent home says the main teacher is Ms. Edith - altho I could have sworn Ms. Sandy said it was Ms. Maria... either way, Ms Sandy is really nice and so far I like her and Khai seems to too. :-)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hippity Hoppity

We didn't celebrated Easter as I was growing up - we're Buddhist - nor were there egg hunts, candy baskets, bunnies and such... at most, the random egg hunt thru the community, but essentially it was just another day in our house. John always has a basket for the kids, and the past couple years Khai has gotten himself some goodies, but still, I hadn't really given it much thought - again, to me it was just another day. This year, i'm not sure what changed but I was excited to do the whole egg hunt/bunny thing and Khai was equally excited. Yah.. I know.. Easter is about the resurrection of Christ, the egg symbolizes resurrection. . but, it also symbolizes springtime, rebirth of the earth. Sooo... we'll just go with that one and of course, yummy nummy chocolates, marshmallow peeps, and jelly beans (my favorite) to boot!

Easter day, the Easter Bunny hid 36 eggs around the yard (heck thats how many came in the pack!) and left a huge chocolate bunny and basket of goodies at the front door, rang the bell and hopped away. Khai came running down to see who was at the door (he had NO clue) and was extremely surprised to find a surprise left just for him. He wanted to know where the bunny was (duh, with Santa of course) and proceeded to throw everything out of the basket to make room for the eggs... and off he went on a hunt. Now, almost two weeks later, those eggs are still a huge hit. I'm surprised that he hasn't taken each one apart and devoured all the treats inside - I would think most kids would - but he's been very good about it, and always asks if he can have one (and actually doesn't even ask all that often - tho he is very happy when I say Yes). The mega chocolate bunny has had its ear chomped off and I"m thinking Khai has already forgotten all about the bunny - its the eggs!!! the eggs rule! Thinking next year we'll do this up again!
Boing Boing More Pics Click Here

Monday, April 12, 2010

Khai Magic

Going for a Ride

Khai's first time behind the wheel. Cute!....and then it reminds me that soon he'll be sixteen and trying to steal my car, or begging for his own, or*

Side note: John was hesitant to let me post this.. he said he didn't want people thinking he was like Britney Spears when she drove with her kid in her lap. Bahaha.. Ok...that cracked me up. I guess I better set the record straight just in case (good grief) . . all they did was pull out of the driveway and up to the stop sign and nothing more.

Iron Man and his iPod

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sucky Mom

I feel just awful (which doesn't really even truly describe how badly I feel).   In the past two days, I've gone off on Khai unnecessarily.  Yesterday, I just lost my patience. He was only being an active three year old boy. I can't fault him for that. Instead I let my nerves get the best of me. I can easily say it was because he didn't listen. I told him not to grab the cup of water in my hands (which were also holding two bowls of food) because everything would have fallen to the ground by the way I was holding it all - he collapsed to the floor in a slump of tears and tantrum at my "no" and it just set me off. I should have handled it better - instead I yelled and then I didn't stop. I kept yelling, threw a fit of my own and stormed out.   Today was worse. I got angry at him and i'm not even going to go into why because I am just so embarrassed at how mean I was.  I could hear myself yelling at him and thought good grief!!! and yet I didn't stop. I was yelling and he was bawling and staring at me and when I did stop I felt like total and utter shit. I never am like this.. and here in two days, I lost it.  I apologized profusely to him. I cried, I hugged him tight and he looked at me and wiped my tears and said "its ok Mommy, I love you."   Ugggg...heartbreak!!!!  Tonight when I tucked him in bed, I apologized again, told him just how much I love him and how much he means to me and how very lucky I am to have him. He said "I'm very lucky too". I said "why?" He said "because, I am your Khai Khai".     Oh sob.  I suck.  Bravo mom... Me = Loser. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Spring!

Little Big Man on his way to school.