Monday, November 26, 2007

I Am A Sneaky Sneaky Boy

Heh Heh Heh.....

They think they can deter me...but they can't. They think they are just sooo smart...but they aren't. Mommy and Daddy put up a gate to prevent me from climbing up the stairs at free will. Oh those fools.

Here you see what I am capable of.
Daddy had realized that since the cats have to go upstairs to use the potty, the gate couldn't be all the way to the ground. This is where my smarts come into play.

My New Room

Today, Daddy took my crib apart. I don't sleep in it anyways. Then he took the boxspring out from under the bed and both he and Mommy spent the afternoon re-arranging things. I spent the afternoon trying to climb up onto the bed. I'm not tall enough just yet to do it all by myself, but i'm getting there. Then Daddy had the great idea of turning my crib into a fort! He took apart everything except for the frame and put up a tent and put my brand new kitchen in there!! Mommy said she wanted to keep the crib mattress next to the big bed, just in case I roll out and fall to the floor. I won't of course, but she's so paranoid like that. I don't mind that its there though because it helps me climb up onto the bed. Almost.

Here's me and my cool new setup.

Here I am cooking some dinner for everyone.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas Tree

We have our Christmas tree up now. Here is me helping with the decorations. I didn't know what Christmas was last year and pretty much slept thru it. But this year I see lots of colorful boxes underneath the tree that I can eat and decorations on the tree for me to yank down!

My Nickname

My new nickname is Diggy. I say it all the time....diggy diggy diggy ddddiigggggeeeee. So Mommy and Daddy decided this is what my nickname is going to be. Really, it's my latest way to call kittie. I used to say hittie...but now its diggeee, as I chase them all over the house and scream at them. I'm learning how to be much more gentle with them but I don't think they appreciate it yet.

Holiday Weekend Pics

Playing Outside

I went outside to play with some leaves....and found some stairs too! Playing outside is much more fun to me now. I used to hate going outside. But now there are tons of leaves for me to pickup and kick and crumble!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Rise and Conquer!

Now that I possess the skills to climb, I plan on climbing up anything I can. I have been working on the bed which is a bit too high, but I believe I have found a little ledge that I can possibly use as support. I have made attempts to climb into the tub, and today I climbed this box. But this is no ordinary box. Oh No. It is a box that contains a very special kitchen...for ME! I can't wait for Mommy and Daddy take it out of the box...but at the same time, its a great mountain for me to climb.
I am a lion on top of my mountain. Roar!!
Notice the look on Daddy's face. Impressed.
I have conquered The Box.

On A Mission

It is as very important task that I have each day emptying out Mommy's cabinet under the sink. Usually I take just a few things out and scatter them around the bedroom after i'm done inspecting each bottle. However today, I felt that each bottle needed a bath. My only one dilemna was trying to figure out how to get out of the cabinet. I kept banging my head on the top.

Stair Climber Part 2

I am a true, official stair climber as of TODAY. There really is no stopping me now. No more of these one, two steps. I take them ALL!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ouchie Ow Owww

After Thanksgiving dinner, I was busy running around the living room and tripped and gave myself a fat lip. It hurt sooooo bad. I was bleeding and crying but Mommy held me tight. She rocked me in her arms until I fell asleep. I slept all the way until it was time to go home. When we got there, I was all better, except my lip is still looking pretty poofy.

Gobble Gobble

Today we went to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving. Daddy did all the cooking! The day started out alright, I played with some leaves on the car ride there and walked around Grandma's yard until it started to rain. Then, I was a little cranky because I didn't take a 2nd nap. Mommy played with me while Daddy and Grandma got everything ready.

Daddy even challenged Grandma to a chilli pepper eating contest and Grandma won, of course. Daddy still tries each time though.
I ate a little of the Thanksgiving feast, but really wasn't in the mood. Instead, I stuffed cherrio's into an M&M container and ran around the room while Mommy ate as fast as she could and ran around after me. After dinner, we all gathered in the living room to watch a kung-fu movie.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Stair Climber

Yaaa haaa haaaa!!! I am beginning to figure this stair climbing thing out!!! Mommy says if i'll just get on my knees and crawl up...i'd get so much further... BUT as you all know, I like to be difficult and I like to do it my way..and my way only. So, I take it one foot at a time. So far, i've made it up two steps.. *shhh, this is just what Mommy and Daddy think* in fact, I practice every day at Grandma's house. Here is footage of me taking a step or two. Mommy is behind me squealing, Daddy is at the top of the stairs trying to take pictures. They are really making a big fuss over nothing. I figured since the camera was on me, I'd give them a little show...and toppled over on my face. Heh.

Tents Are Cool

I kept hearing about Coopers cool tent, I just had to have one too and asked my Mommy if she'd make me one. She promises that next time she'll make an even better one for me. She said this one is ghetto but I had lots of fun with it! She chased me round and round...

On My Way To Grandmas

Every morning Mommy bundles me up nice and warm and takes me to Grandma's house where I spend the entire day playing with her. There's lots to do there - I eat, I sleep, I cuddle with Grandma, I get into ALL her stuff, I try to pull the chili's off her plants, I try to pull the leaves off her other plants, I try to flush the toilet, I work on climbing up and down the stairs, I watch Dora and Diego, and Yo Gabba Gabba and Arthur and I could just go on and on....

Riding in the car has its ups and downs. I hate being strapped in. I like looking out the window and the rest of the world. I hate being stuck in the back. I like when Mommy puts Dora on the DVD player for me. I hate having to wear all those clothes because its so cold out. I like the toys Mommy gives me to play with - like my favorite maraca! When I have my maraca, Mommy says Shake-a, Shake-a and I shake my maraca and my head and Mommy starts singing - she's the best singer in the world!!
Here's me and my yellow maraca. The thing in my other hand what we used to scoop punch out at my birthday party. Its got bones on it! Mommy had it in the car for some reason and its now MINE!


I meant to post this a couple months back but forgot to. Mommy took me to the shoe store back in September and got my fat foot measured and got me a new pair of shoes! My first real shoes after wearing the Robeez...ok...the knock offs but who's paying attention. I did have some real sneakers when I was much, much younger and not walking yet.. But these...these are my first real big boy walking shoes. Here is a picture of my shoe.. and one of me posing in them.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I Got A New Box

Daddy recently brought me home a box of toys given to him by someone. The toys were cool, in fact my new favorite maracas came from that very box and I am not found a single day without them. But more than the toys (except for the maracas) I liked the box. Here, Carter and I enjoy an early evening with The Box.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday at the Park

A few days after trick or treating at the mall, Mommy took me to a nearby park along with Daddy and Carter. I was mainly annoyed and grouchy the whole time we were there - and i'm not really sure why but I was the only one in costume.

My unhappiness....

On my way outta there...

What I thought about the whole thing....