Monday, August 20, 2007

ELMO and other news.

This weekend I spoke a very important word.
I said Elmo.
After saying Mama and Dada and Baba and other random babbles, I decided it was time to expand my vocabulary and as usual to throw Mommy and Daddy off. They thought for sure I'd say Dora next since i'm quite obsessed with her...but no..Elmo it was. I said it four different times for them. Mommy was so happy that she bought me this great Elmo doll and he tells me all the time now that he loves me and sings to me!!

My current favorite thing to do is play on the computer. I really love going to the Nick Jr. website and watching Dora video's. I get so excited when I see the laptop and do anything to get to it. Sometimes it takes foreeeever to load up the page. I have no patience. I MUST see my Dora!! I also play games on the Fisher Price website. Its so much fun!!

I'm still practicing my walking and still have no desire or necessity to crawl. I scoot around the room fast and furious and that gets me where I need to go just fine.

Hair Repair

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My First Haircut.....Disaster.

WHAT am I ever going to do with my Mommy?? She went and cut my hair...she snuck behind Daddy's back and took two snips to my bangs and ruined them!!! Thankfully she stopped at the two snips because who knows what damage she would have done thereafter. Daddy rushed out to see what all the commotion was about and on the spot banned Mommy from touching my hair ever again. He pounded the rule into her brain.. NEVER EVER EVER!!! He said. Mommy felt pretty bad and felt worse and worse as the night went on. Her justification was that I had wings coming off the side of my head, a tail, and that I was sporting a Donald Trump comb over, with hair color that matched. Daddy took a look at my hair to see if he could fix it but said the only way was to even out the other side - the side she hadn't snipped. However this would leave me with short, short bangs. I was destined to look like a big dork. I wasn't having any of that, so I danced around and played on the laptop so that Daddy couldn't do anything about my hair. Kept the movement up until bedtime... which is when Daddy got sneaky and fixed my hair for me. In the dead of the night, he crept in and took a few extra snips and in the morning I didn't look so goofy afterall. He did a pretty good job and Mommy is happy again. Hopefully Mommy has learned her lesson and won't attempt this move on The Donald again.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Operation Walking Khai Has Begun

Early in the morning hours, I decided to make today the official day of my first real steps towards full on walking status. I walked up and down the halls a number of times to Mommy's surprise. She was so impressed and excited she kept yelling and screaming and giving me a ton of kisses and hugs. But since I have yet to truly perfect the art of walking just yet...I did not want to share it with anyone else. Mommy took me to grandma's house but I wouldn't walk for her. When Daddy got home, she asked me to walk for him too, but I wouldn't do it. I want to get to pro status first. Or at least a little better. Operation Walking Khai has officially begun....

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Friday, August 3, 2007

9 Month Checkup...finally.

So I finally went in for my 9 month checkup.....ten days shy of turning 10 months. Since my last visit the other week for the noises I make, I have gained 2 ounces and grew half an inch.

While I was there, I had fun playing with the bead/wire table until some bratty kid came and pushed me out of the way. Can you believe it? He pushed ME! I was initially nice and said hello to him..and he pushed me!! and took over my side of the table and beads. Mommy wasn't pleased. Neither was I. After the checkup, I went down to the lab to get my finger pricked. On the way down, I pooped in the elevator stinking it up. heh heh. It was a full elevator too. I'm rotten like that. When we got to the lab, the lab techs remembered Mommy from when she had me in her belly and were all very pleased to finally meet me. I gave Pip, my lab tech, a hard time by howling and squirming on the table. I didn't feel the prick but bled alot so he had to wrap my finger up with gauze and tape. Mommy has attached a photo of me and my finger. She couldn't help but laugh at me...

Today I also got to go to Mommy's office for a visit. Everybody loved me (of course). They swarmed me and pinched me and made silly faces at me. I walked up and down the halls for them. They were impressed. The last time they saw me was a few months ago at the office picnic and I was much smaller.