Sunday, June 29, 2008

Evil Looks

I've been practicing my evil eye since my post about the papparazzi. I believe getting this look down solid will help me secure things I want. Its working already. You kinda have to squint like, and make a frown on your face. Some say I get this look from Mommy....and therefore it comes naturally. Naturally....
Here are some recent faces. None quite as evil as the one from the papparazzi day though. Mommy really needs to have her camera handy when I make my evilest looks. Mostly those occur in the morning.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Stepping Pretty

Wearing Mommy's shoes has become my latest trend.
Yes. I wear ladies shoes.
And I still wear the occassional braclet or two.
So what.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hot Wheels

Mommy has been getting me Hot Wheels every now and again - honestly, between you and I, I think she gets them for herself. Nontheless, I do love them. I particularly enjoy driving my cars along the arms of my Diego chair (aka the mini throne) and on the tracks of my train table. Sometimes I take the tracks off the table and drive the cars down the ramps. Mommy felt that I needed a track for my cars (thinking she was tired of having to put the tracks back together on the table!) and got me some cool orange ones.
I love releasing the cars down the ramp because they go so fast and zip right off the tracks, crashing into a pile at th end. Mommy thinks its pretty funny that I say WooHoo! when they go flying.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


I love ketchup so much. SO MUCH! When I first was introduced to ketchup I was simply using it as something to dip my french fries into. But then I started dipping everything into it. Fries, toast, chicken, fruit, veggies.. anything and everything. I really developed a taste for this yummy red goodness. Mommy is quite pleased as she is a bit of a ketchup nut herself. Course she doesn't seem to realize this means she is going to have to share with me - IF I let her. Oh and guess what? Its even better when you eat it straight. I like to dip my fingers right into it and lick it off. Its sooo good. And I like to say Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm with every taste.

Most mornings, my breakfast consists of something like mini eggos and ketchup. Today, Mommy gave me a cheese stick - and the only way I'd eat it (of course) was dipped in ketchup.

Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm The King

I'm am King Khai Dinh. I rule. And when I wear my crown, I mean business. The best part about being King is that I can do what I want. Who says I have to wear pants? My throne was moved by Ba Ngoai to the upstairs of the I have resorted to a temporary one for now - not as grand as the original - but it IS a Diego one.

Here's a video of me bopping to some music
on my throne
in my crown
with no pants.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm Crazy!!

My new favorite line: I'm Crazy!!
And people better watch out...

Damn the Paparazzi

Its so tough being me. There's always a camera in my face filming my every move. People wanting me to say Hi and Bye and tell them I love them and blow kisses and give them my stickers....I could go on. Its exhausting!! Some days I just can't take it.

More Braclets

I just know this is going to come back to haunt me at some point in my life.... but I really do enjoy wearing Mommy's braclets. Every morning I go into her drawer and put every single one on. Then I wear them all over the house, shaking my arms so that they jingle. Sometimes they fall off my arms which is a pain. I like to practice my counting with them, my dancing, and even like to try and put them on my nose!

Friday, June 6, 2008


I loooove popsicles!! This weekend we've been experiencing a heat wave and what better than to eat popsicles!!! I'm so lucky, I got TWO!! First one I had was orange. The stick even had a riddle on it about a turtle, which is a word I know how to say!! The second one I got was red. I had that one inside and Ba Ngoai followed me all over with a sponge while I ate it cause it was so drippy.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Sometimes I steal Mommy's braclets. This morning I stole ALL of them and have hidden them all over the play room. Here, i've decided to keep some on. What?? Just cause I wear a few braclets doesn't mean anything!!!

I Can't Heaaar Youuuuu!!

Whenever Mommy tries to tell me what to do, I say
La La Laaaa I can't heeear you!

Fun with H20

Mommy bought me a water table today!!! Its soooo cool. I love playing in water!! I spent hours out back with it, splashing water everywhere. Mommy had to take my tshirt off because I completely soaked myself pretty much right away.

Here I inspect the table...see what damage I can possibly do.

The table came with two sailboats. I had so much fun sinking them!

And splashing water in my face!!

And catching the water as Mommy poured it into the well.

Of course, sometimes you have to pause for a good nose pick.

I have mastered the two fingered - one handed nose pick. I rock.

Sunday, June 1, 2008