Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

My very third Christmas ever and the first that I am old enough to really grasp whats going on and enjoy it.... well, supposed to. I started the day off with a tantrum, in true Khai fashion. I didn't want to open anything. I didn't want to participate. I threw myself on the pillow by the tree and huffed and puffed until Daddy tried to intrigue me with the new boat he got me. It worked. I got lots of really cool books and toys and puzzles and clothes and money! It got to the point where there was just too much to open and I couldn't do it anymore. I just wanted to play with my goods! I can't even begin to list everything I got - things like lots of Thomas stuff, enough books to last me forever, a new case for my cars, more cars, I don't even know. It has been an extremely full and busy day and i'm ready to pass out. No sign of snow yet. I keep hearing about it..but I have yet to lay my eyes on this stuff. What is snow?!!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Handy Manny

I've been eyeing this great Handy Manny toolbox at the store for quite some time now. Every single time I see it, I must stop and play with it until i'm dragged away. Mommy said there was no way I was going to get it because it was far to expensive, but hahaaa..guess what?? I now have it!! Early Christmas! Wahooo!!! Its the greatest toolbox ever. Not only can I name all the tools in the box, I know how to use them AND...the very best part is the toolbox sings!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Notes From Mommy: Handsome Boy

Everytime I look at Khai he is rapidly growing before my eyes. Just yesterday I could cradle him in my arms and now I can barely lift him without his legs dangling far down mine. Its hard to believe this little man was only a little baby a year ago.
Today's post is of Khai wearing a new sweater given to him by his Godfather, Tony, for his birthday. I love him in it.. he just looks so, so handsome!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Potty Power! - I've Got It.

Mommy got me two really cool videos about how to use the potty. She gave copies to my school and we watch them ALOT. I haven't let on to Mommy that I CAN use the potty....but I can. I have used it at school many times now and that means I'm a big boy. At home, I'm Mommy's baby. I totally play that up - and why wouldn't I? For a while, Mommy kept my brand new Diego potty in the living room and I used it as a chair. Sometimes I'd put my toys in it, other times I'd use the pot as a hat. Mommy has since moved it to the bathroom next to the big potty but that doesn't really stop me from playing with it, which Mommy says I won't be able to do anymore once I actually use it (don't plan on using it anytime soon FYI). I love the videos though and I have watched them over and over again and get mad at Mommy when she turns them off. The first video is called Potty Power, its my favorite. I love shouting Potty Power!! I feel like a super hero or something. The second video is called Go Potty Go. Mommy says, if you have a Burlington Coat Factory where you live, they sell the dvds for only $2.99 each which is 3-4 times cheaper than what it costs anywhere else!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

I am TRYING to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star here for you before I go to sleep, except Mommy keeps shinning a very annoying light in my eyes from the camera. I'm getting rather frustrated and at this point, I refuse to continue singing....

Friday, November 21, 2008

Still Digging

I know... its not an attractive habit..but I can't stop picking my nose. I am certain this will be used against me in the future... possibly when I'm going on my first date. I am willing to risk that. In other news... I have also just learned how to sniff. I haven't really gotten blowing down yet..but I officially can sniff my nose. I thought maybe if I showed Mommy that I could do this, she wouldn't use that suction bulb in my nose which practically suckes my brains out each time. No such luck. The brain sucking continues.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mrs. Claus?

Today Mommy, Daddy, Carter and I went to the mall. We stopped by the water fountains to take pictures in front of some of the decorations, when Mrs. Claus approached us and planted herself right in our picture. Now, I don't know if this is really Mrs. Claus .. she seemed a bit shady to me... in fact, I'm not even sure if she...is really a she. I don't think Carter was much impressed either. Here are a few photos. By the 2nd one, you can see Mrs. Claus has moved in a little closer, and I have opted to draw my guns. Can't be too sure these days...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Playhouse Disney

Tonight I went to my very first concert ever - Playhouse Disney Live! Mommy, Daddy and I met up with Nick and his Mommy and Daddy at McDonalds beforehand for dinner. I would have eaten all my chicken nuggets except I knocked the box on the floor - but I didn't care, I was going to Playhouse Disney!!! When we got there, I wasn't sure what to expect....there were tons and tons of people and we had to squeeze into crampy seats - Mommy bought me a huge snow cone that came in a Little Einsteins rocketship which got me really hyped up for the show. Finally the lights went down and the show began. I could not believe HOW cool it was. I saw Mickey and Minnie, and the Little Einsteins, and Rocket, and Winnie the Pooh, and Donald, and Daisy, and Handy Manny, and wow..I saw EVERYONE!!! I couldn't get enough - couldn't peel my eyes away from the show!!! This was most definitely THE BEST night i've had in a long long time and THE BEST concert EVER!!!! The smoke, the lights, the excitement!! I can't wait to go to another concert like this!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Secret Reaper

The Secret Reaper strikes again! Bringing a box full of goodies from Canada! Oh Great Reaper... how I love you. I look forward to your surprises each and every year and thank you from the bottom of my heart. One day, one of these days... we shall meet face to face....until then I count down the days until your next return.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Boo! A Ghost!!

I now can spot ghosts and talk ghost. I am a ghost hunter.


This Halloween I was home pretty sick and so I didn't get to go out and do much - Mommy and Daddy did take me up to the mall for some trick or treating but we left as soon as we got there. It was a madhouse!! I couldn't take it. I did have on my vampire costume although I really didn't feel like wearing the cape and so without it, I more or less looked like a waiter. I was most unhappy until we got home and I was given some lo mein to dig into.... among other things. And then after I made a mess out of dinner, I wore my potty on my head. Who says you can't have fun when you are home sick?!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Don't Touch The Hair!!

One thing I do not like is getting my hair brushed. Mommy makes attempts to and on the rare occassion I will let her, but most often she is forced to sneak a brush in which angers me greatly. And yes... I did make the Little Einsteins kiss at the end.. and NO I don't play with dolls.

Nose Picker

Sometimes its just fun to pick your nose......

2 Years Later, I Finally Crawl.

I've never been one to crawl. I skipped that stage and more or less scooted along to get where I needed to be. Then I figured I could stand up and walk.. and that was that. Who needed crawling?? Crawling is for babies, and I my friends am NOT a baby. So now its two years later, and I've decided to shock everyone with the fact that I secretly could crawl all along. Way back in the day when I was supposed to be crawling like everybody else, they thought I was weird because I didn't crawl. Good. Impression made. And now.. I present... Crawling By Khai:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Zach Package!!!

My cool buddy Zach sent me an awesome birthday/Halloween package today, filled with stickers, and books, a Thomas DVD, a cool flashlight that projects Halloween pictures (my favorite!) and last but not least... a Rocketship chair!!!! I can't wait for it to be blown up and to sit on it.... the anticipation!!! Oh and how could I forget.. I got a tshirt that Zach's mommy made for me.. basically it says it all and you have been warned. Thank you Zach and Auntie Trish!!! I love you!!!!

My New Tracks

I woke up to a special surprise for my birthday. New tracks and accessories (ramp, tunnel, bridge and station) for my train table!!! These are far better than my wooden ones, although I still get frustrated (just not as much). The trains still fall off them - but they tell me its because I link too many of my trains together. What do THEY know.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!!

Hey guess what?! I'm TWO today! I can't believe I'm two whole years today. I'm such a big boy! I can do tons of things, like count and sing and yell at Mommy (and she totally understands me now, so I don't have to repeat myself a million times)! My birthday this year falls on Columbus Day, so I got the day off from school and Mommy got the day off from work. Long weekend! So much happened this weekend. So many parties just for me! As you know, I had a party at school on Friday, but then on Saturday night, Chris and Amy threw me a dinner party! I've never had my very own dinner party before. Amy made me chicken nuggest and french fries - yummy!! And she didn't forget the ketchup either. She knows me well! After dinner, there was cake and then presents! I wasn't interested in the cake much and figured if I cried then maybe we could just skip the cake and go straight to presents. No such luck. They kept shoving this spider web cake in my face until I agreed to blow the candle out and take a taste. Fine. Done. Presents Please!!! I got lots of cool presents from everyone and had lots of fun playing with them the rest of the night. Thanks Everyone for a great night!!! By the time I got home, I was so tired from all the activity I passed out cold. Dinner Party Pictures (please ask Mommy for the password).

Sunday, I got to go to Cox Farms. Unfortunately we didn't get there until right around my naptime so I was a bit of a crab, but what outing of ours isn't complete without me being a crab at some point in time? You know me.....I like to stir things up, just for the sake of drama. I made Mommy carry me most of the time which she didn't like very much because it was hot and I was squirmy and heavy. There is so much to do at the farm - slides, rides, animals, kettle corn, a corn maze, and I even saw some dinosaurs! My most favorite part of the whole place was the trains. I really liked playing in and on them and was mad when Mommy and Daddy made me leave. The funniest part of the day was when Daddy was standing with Carter and I and he reached down to grab Carter, only he grabbed another kid standing closer to him, thinking it was Carter and held onto him for a moment...only to realize it wasn't Carter. hehe. His Mommy said Daddy could take him home if he wanted to. Cox Farms Pictures Here .

Today, the Greatest Day EVER, I woke up to find my train table filled with new tracks and Tommy playsets (thats Thomas the Tank Engine for those who don't know)!! My old wooden tracks were ok, but my die cast trains kept falling off the sides and that was sooooooo frustrating!! Around lunchtime, I headed upstairs in my Superman PJ's to my birthday fiesta. Ba Ngoai, who I now call Ma Moy by the way, put down a camo blanket for me to sit on (which is the same blanket Mommy sat on for her 1st birthday party) and Daddy brought me the cake he baked and there were soooo many presents I couldn't believe it, and Noe came to see me too! It was like Christmas (what do I know about Christmas? I just heard everyone saying it was like Christmas.. hehe)! I really have gotten this present opening thing down too - RIP the package open hand the trash to Mommy and be sure to say "thank you". I spent the rest of the afternoon playing with my new toys and want to have another party so I can get more presents! OH and guess what? I got the rocketship from The Little Einsteins!! Jackpot!!! Birthday Pictures .

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Partying at the Preschool

Today there was a birthday party just for ME at my school!! In the morning all the kids sang Happy Birthday to me. I can sing it pretty well too! Mommy keeps trying to catch it on video but I won't let her. ha ha. After we all woke up from our naps, Mommy and Daddy showed up and brought cupcakes and juice. All the girls got pink cupcakes and looked funny with pink icing all over their mouths. We also got party hats (Diego ones!) but I didn't feel like wearing mine. Everyone else wore theirs.. I had to do the opposite just to be different.

After the cupcakes, Daddy started dancing around the room - pretty soon everyone was dancing. The other kids started hogging MY Daddy so I didn't want to dance. Mommy picked me up and danced too though and later Daddy carried me as he danced around and all the kids attacked him. It was cool being higher up than them and having them all jump at us! After the party was over, I got to go home early with Mommy and Daddy! And I don't have to come back for three more days because Monday is a holiday AND my birthday!! I'm going to be two.
Here's a link to the album from the entire party: Preschool Party

Here 's a clip of Mommy and Daddy dancing with my classmates. Please excuse them for being SO corny!! I can't believe they quacked and flapped their arms like that. But... my friends seemed to really like them - especially my Daddy! I guess they are alright...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mothers Lock Up Your Daughters...I Have A Mustache

Seeing as i'm almost 2 and a man... I thought it would be nice to grow a mustache. You know, see how it looks and all. See if the ladies dig it. Mommy says I look pretty handsome. I think Daddy likes it too. Ba Ngoai gasped when she saw it. I think she just can't believe that i'm such a grown man already. Unfortunately I was made to get rid of it before school. But at least I got to parade around with it on for a full Sunday afternoon thru to the evening.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Kitty In The Window

When I got home from my doctors appointment, Pepe was waiting in the window for me and wanted to know how it went.

2 Year Checkup

I had my two-year checkup today and also got to meet my new doctor, Dr. Kathleen Kelly. She seems pretty nice. She talked to me alot and didn't treat me like a baby which can only mean I'm a big boy now. I only had to get one shot today - the flu shot. I was too busy getting angry at Mommy and Daddy for making me lay on the bed at the nurses station, I didn't even realize the nurse had stuck me with a needle. Before I knew it, Mommy was picking me up and Daddy was getting me a sticker from the sticker basket. I got a Ming Ming sticker! Wahooo!!!
I also got some apples and then a blue lollipop which made my entire mouth AND teeth blue! Very cool.

My Stats:

Weight - 28lbs 12oz (62nd percentile).
Height - 35'' (71st percentile).
Head Circumference - 19.75'' (87th percentile).

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Notes From My Mommy: Week Three of Preschool

Khai's been in pre-school a little over 2 weeks now. Its been a bit of a rough transition, but it could be worse. Week 2 came with wimpering in the mornings - but YAY, not tears! Week 3 is much better. There was some wimpering earlier in the week, but this morning was like a miracle morning! Khai slept thru the whole night until 5:30am (first WOW). Then he woke up happy an hour later (second WOW). Got to school and he said YAY!!! When he saw the building (third WOW). Then scrambled to get out of my arms and rush to his teacher and friends, saying HI!!! very happily (fourth WOW) followed by a Bye Momma! (sniff). The only drama this morning was him getting mad at me for putting him in a red tshirt so he could be easily spotted on the webcam. heh. Well, that and he didn't want to wear his coat - but we got past that quickly with the lure of apples.

Yesterday on the drive home from school, Khai and I were tapping to the music on the radio. A Linkin Park song came on (my favorite band) and Khai sang along!
Well, he was just able to sing the end of a repetative phrase - "blow it away".. but it was very, very cute. He was so happy singing along, bopping his head as we both tapped to the beat. Finally he had enough and said Mommma!!! Stop It!
This seems to be his newest phrase these days. I guess I annoy him a lot b/c I hear it a lot. ha ha.

Lili now makes it a point to tell me everything Khai eats and doesn't eat. So does Carina/Catrina. Good.

Carina/Catrina said he did really well at lunchtime and ate most of his chicken minus two pieces. I had asked Lili to please sit and work with him at lunch - maybe he'd eat for her b/c he refuses to eat for me. Sometimes I can't get him to eat and then my mom will try and he opens wide. So I'm thinking he just tries to work me sometimes. He'd rather starve than give into me, just to be difficult.

For dinner last night, Khai ate french fries, a slice of cheese, watermelon, some noodles and a yogurt drink. It took him over an hour to finish it all, but he did.

Stopped by the school at lunchtime today to donate some of Khai's old toys and of course to look in on him. It was naptime and he was lying there on his cot WITH a blanket on him. This is huge b/c he absolutely refuses to have a blanket on him at home. He seemed very happy - probably because he was right next to one of his girlfriends.. ha ha. I talked to Nancy, and she said he's SUCH a good boy and that he's adjusting very well. She said he was singing this morning, takes naps very well, and is a very well liked kid in his class and one of the sweetest. Do you think she's just fluffing me with air? Ha. I mentioned this to my mom and she agreed that he's such a sweet and cooperative little boy. So why is it then, that he's a maniac with me? Hmph.
Khai's appetite is starting to return. He ate a full dinner tonight! Tofu burger, rice, zuccini, and cucumbers. Yay!

Mommy Is A Blog Hog

Mommy is hogging the blog. Let her write something once, she thinks its all hers!!!

Here's a funny story. Yesteday, Ms. Nancy's friend came to visit the school. He kinda reminded me of Daddy, so I asked him to pick me up. He carried me around while Ms. Nancy showed him the school and when it was time for him to go, I was a little upset. My friends thought he was my Daddy and that it was time for me to go and went and got my coat and backpack for me! haha. Daddy is sick right now - he says he might have the flu - so I'm not allowed to be near him at all. I miss my Daddy!! He couldn't even come to school with me this morning cause he was so sick. :-( Mommy had to take me herself, so I decided to make it easy on her for once and didn't give her too hard of a time.

Ms. Nancy came and said good morning to everyone today and gave me a special good morning cause I'm just so cute. She said Good Morning Papy. I said Good Morning Mamy. I like to flirt, even with the older ladies. That tickled her. She thought I was the sweetest thing ever. heh heh heh. Then at naptime, I got to lay next to one of my girlfriends - even though girls can be nuts. Yesterday two of my girlfriends were fighting over a blanket. A blanket!!!! I just walked away and got some breakfast. Didn't have time for their nonsense....

OoooOOhhh and guess what I got today?! Hot Wheels Eggo's!!! I don't get to eat them until tomorrow but i'm sooooo excited!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Notes From My Mommy: OK!

So I spoke to Lili this morning - I don't think she has a clue what I was trying to say to her. I don't think she's stupid - I just don't think she understands English in depth. I tried to express that the logsheet was wrong and that I NEED to know what Khai's eating each day. She just says OK! but like in that clueless, happy way.
I also tried to tell her that Khai has a cold and hasn't been eating anything and that I've brought his lunch but to please keep an eye out on him and let me know how things go. Yes... the response was OK!! smile smile smile.
So I get to work and call Nancy - the director - she's sounding busy and kinda rushes me off the phone as I'm telling her what I've tried to tell Lili, but she does tell me she'll talk to Lili.

When I pickup Khai in the afternoon, Lili is gone, so I talk to Carina/Catrina and tell her I hope Lili isn't mad, that I'm not trying to upset anyone because I just hate making people mad - but that I am just worried about my sons eating habits. She is compassionate and says "No, no, nobody is mad and this is your son, you have every right to be concerned." That makes me feel better.

Logsheet says Khai barely ate today and threw up his applesauce.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sigh, Its Only Monday??

I'm still sick - much better, but still have no appetite. Currently the only thing I feel like eating is applesauce, yogurt and rice.
I've also got a new molar coming in. Mommy thinks my bite is nasty now... just wait. Chomp Chomp.
Oh, and I'll never turn down a french fry. :-D

Went to school today - bleh. I really didn't feel like going this morning but I went anyways. I'm starting to get used to the idea and really do like my new friends.

Oh and guess what? I barfed!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sick Again! Arg....

I'm sick. Boo hoo hoo. Last night I threw up in bed. It wasn't as bad as the last time, but still not fun. I was a trooper though. Then I threw up again in the living room. Mommy quickly pulled off her tshirt and let me puke in it. Wasn't going to let her get away with things too easily, so I pooped. Squishy, icky poop, for her to clean up - three times, in a row. Then I made her carry me around the room for several hours before I totally passed out.
I really don't feel like eating much. No appetite. Food = Yecch.