Here's a funny story. Yesteday, Ms. Nancy's friend came to visit the school. He kinda reminded me of Daddy, so I asked him to pick me up. He carried me around while Ms. Nancy showed him the school and when it was time for him to go, I was a little upset. My friends thought he was my Daddy and that it was time for me to go and went and got my coat and backpack for me! haha. Daddy is sick right now - he says he might have the flu - so I'm not allowed to be near him at all. I miss my Daddy!! He couldn't even come to school with me this morning cause he was so sick. :-( Mommy had to take me herself, so I decided to make it easy on her for once and didn't give her too hard of a time.
Ms. Nancy came and said good morning to everyone today and gave me a special good morning cause I'm just so cute. She said Good Morning Papy. I said Good Morning Mamy. I like to flirt, even with the older ladies. That tickled her. She thought I was the sweetest thing ever. heh heh heh. Then at naptime, I got to lay next to one of my girlfriends - even though girls can be nuts. Yesterday two of my girlfriends were fighting over a blanket. A blanket!!!! I just walked away and got some breakfast. Didn't have time for their nonsense....
OoooOOhhh and guess what I got today?! Hot Wheels Eggo's!!! I don't get to eat them until tomorrow but i'm sooooo excited!!!
Where did you get those Eggos?! I have to get them for Nick!
Where did you get Hot Wheel's Eggos?!! Two of my favorite things! I love waffles for breakfast and I love driving my Hot Wheel's on the table while I eat. The best of both world's come together! Sorry your Daddy's sick, mine is too! He's getting better now, but I can't really get too too snuggly with him right now :(
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