Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thanks Ba Ngoai!

Ba Ngoai got me a new outfit! I'm so cute. I was practicing my Hiyaah's! today. In the last picture, i'm standing on the wooden board I was attempting to stomp in half. Hiiiyaaah!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Love Stickers!!!

Oh man I love far my favorites are Dora and Diego ones. But today, I also got Spongebob ones (and MORE Dora ones)!!! I didn't even know Spongebob stickers existed!! I love to wear my stickers proudly on my hands and feet and get mad at Mommy when she takes them off me. She says I can't wear stickers to bed. Pffft. Who says?? Hee Hee Heeee, she doesn't know I snuck a Dora sticker to bed with me tonight.
The Sticker Gods are good to me.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Old Town Alexandria

Mommy took me to Old Town Alexandria today. I had heaps and heaps of fun running around the park by the water. I saw ducks and birds and planes...oh and I flew a kite for the very first time ever!!! I also played in sand for the first time and said "camel" for the first time. Lots of firsts! Afterwards, I went to IHOP for dinner..and feasted on lots of yummy things, including ketchup and a crayon. I had an absolutely fantastic day and was so exhausted by the end of it, I passed out instantly when I got home! I can't wait to go back!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Sushi's And My Cars

Mommy got me some pretty cool sushi's that wind up and move along like scatter bugs and spin circles. I also got two new cars to add to my collection....the blue one by my knee is one of them! It goes super fast and bounces off things. I like to practice my counting with them and drive them up and down Mommy.

My Throne

Here I sit in my throne...otherwise known as Ba Ngoai's massage chair. Diego pillow and I sit on it daily as we watch cartoons. Sometimes I throw Diego over the side..but then I say OH NO! Diegggooooo!!! and hang over the side and try to rescue him. I'm a good friend like that. The chair also good for rides. The part at the front where you put your feet it goes up and down. I like to stand on it as its moving and say UP DOWN UP DOWN! and totally ride the throne.


The people of Train Table Town better be wary of King Khai Kong!

Chatting With Mommy

I'm Cool Like That

Mommy got me some Diego stickers today - wearing them on my feet make me happy.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day Mommy!!
I love you more than all the grains of sand in the whole wide world!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Falling In Love

Not my finest moment.....

Monday, May 5, 2008

Tweet Tweet Tweet

My New Train Table!

I picked up this great train table this weekend - its kept be really very busy lately!! Course I have to take a break every now and then to watch a couple of my programs and to pick my nose. Its tough being me!

Daddy and I

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Eat Paper

I like eating paper, particularly business cards. I ate half this card for dessert.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Swimming Pool

I got a new swimming pool today! At first I was not sure about it and wouldn't get it. I clung to Mommy pretty tightly! But she told me its just like taking a bath but much more fun, so first I dipped my feet in...then slowly, I slid into the pool and before I knew it I was having some serious pooltime fun!

Friday, May 2, 2008

18 Month Checkup

Bah! What a terrible day!!! I had my 18 month checkup today and got three shots in my legs. I was NOT pleased and I let it be known the second we walked in the door and didn't stop until we were way down the street. Nothing would console me. Not even the three sheets of stickers that I got - can you believe this? They gave me THREE this time! I'm thinking if I cry more often, i'll get more stickers offered to me and then Mommy won't have to steal them like she did before. The doctor said I'm growing just right. I'm 27lbs (63rd percentile), 33" tall (65th percentile), and my head is 19". I go back in 6 months for my 24 month checkup, but no more shots until i'm ready to go to kindergarden! Since my last "18 month" post, I"ve picked up a few new phrases. I can now say There's Mommy, There's Gmaaa (grandma), There's the Birdie, There's the Car, and I've just started working on There's Daddy. When Mommy asks where's my foot and my hand, I can show her. I am becoming a pro at saying Good Morning every single morning, and I flop to the bed instantly when Mommy says Lay Down! I think she gets mad cause she has to tell me to do it soooo many times...hehee... I like making her suffer just a little. I'm so silly.
At the wicked doctors office. The doctor hadn't even come in the room yet!
On the ride home. Mommy gave me a lollipop.

It was pretty tasty.

I can give up crying for a tasty pop!!