Bah! What a terrible day!!! I had my 18 month checkup today and got three shots in my legs. I was NOT pleased and I let it be known the second we walked in the door and didn't stop until we were way down the street. Nothing would console me. Not even the three sheets of stickers that I got - can you believe this? They gave me THREE this time! I'm thinking if I cry more often, i'll get more stickers offered to me and then Mommy won't have to steal them like she did before. The doctor said I'm growing just right. I'm 27lbs (63rd percentile), 33" tall (65th percentile), and my head is 19". I go back in 6 months for my 24 month checkup, but no more shots until i'm ready to go to kindergarden! Since my last "18 month" post, I"ve picked up a few new phrases. I can now say There's Mommy, There's Gmaaa (grandma), There's the Birdie, There's the Car, and I've just started working on There's Daddy. When Mommy asks where's my foot and my hand, I can show her. I am becoming a pro at saying Good Morning every single morning, and I flop to the bed instantly when Mommy says Lay Down! I think she gets mad cause she has to tell me to do it soooo many times...hehee... I like making her suffer just a little. I'm so silly.

At the wicked doctors office. The doctor hadn't even come in the room yet!

On the ride home. Mommy gave me a lollipop.
It was pretty tasty.
I can give up crying for a tasty pop!!
Bummer, Dude. How did you get stuck with THREE pokes this time? I love your sneaky ploy to get more stickers and lollipops. Hmm, I wonder if I pretend to cry will my mommy give me one of those tasty pops.
Yeah, what's up with three needles?? I only got two, and in my arm. You look like I do when I go to the Dr.'s. But you do what you gotta do to get the stickers. I didn't get ANY stickers!! What a rip off!! That lollipop looks good. I still have to talk my Mommy into letting me try one...
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