Monday, June 15, 2009

Fathers Day 09

Happy Fathers Day!! Thank you for teaching me new things, playing with me all the time, and more importantly, sneaking me candy when Mommy isn't looking. I love you Papa!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dressing Myself

~ I'm a pretty fly guy ~

I Did It!

Mommy decided it would be a good idea to follow Coopers Mommy's idea of having a chart where I could earn stickers for various things I did. We called it the "I DID IT" chart. It was divided into four sections. 1) Khai eats all his food 2) Khai brushes his teeth 3) Khai cleans up and goes to bed and 4) Khai takes a bath. All four of these things were (are) things I had slight issues with. As you can see from my completed chart, I had ALOT of issues with bath time. I will say in my defense too that sometimes I just preferred to stick my earned sticker in a different slot. Really, its true. Also, its far easier to earn stickers in the food and teeth brushing sections since I have to do those things several times a day. Eventually I got bored with the chart and earning stickers as bribes (oh yeah Mom, i'm so onto you) didn't work anymore. So much for the chart. It was fun for a minute, but come February the chart thing was finito.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Flowers For Mommy

This is the first bouquet of flowers i've ever given my Mommy. 
I Love Mommy!

Things in February

February was filled with a myriad of Khai randoms. Mommy was pleased that this month I decided to give teeth brushing another shot. I had been deeply involved in the anti-teeth brushing movement for quite some time but a new tooth brush swayed me (at least until the novelty wore off). This month I also voted -it was my second time at the polls! Going to the polls with Ma Moy was pretty fun as I got a lot of attention from all the people there and I got stickers to let everyone know that I casted my vote. My Batman mask began to get a little too small for me, but that didn't stop me from wearing it and continuing my mission to save the world. Singing is so great! I love singing songs alot more now - particularly Itsy Bitsy Spider and of course the theme song to Little Einsteins. February also brought about a greater interest in picking out my own clothes each day, and while I haven't gotten it down 100%, I like trying to dress myself too. Trains and cars are still high on my list of likes loves, oh and I got to have lunch with my Auntie Noe!! We had noodles at Viet House and I was such a good boy - my Mommy said so.

Catching Up

Several months have passed by with extremely limited entries....if even. Far too much has happened to try and back-post so we'll just post a couple shorts for time lost and hopefully can keep on track from here on.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Homemade Pizza

This is the very first pizza I have ever made.
Its made out of Mum Mums and Nemo fruit snacks and tastes deeeeelishus!