Monday, February 25, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008


This one is for my Auntie out of Bmore who is nothing but straight hood....Auntie Nella. And I know what you are going to say... robots aren't hood and where are my Timbs.....but I assure you, I keep it real. Robots are stylin'. My girl be cleaning my Timbs as I write this...what?

Scooba Diving and Things

Yes, I'm feeling better today. In fact, i've taken to some living room scooba diving. I still have a cough and a bad runny yet stuffy nose. I took a loooong nap today though and have some of my appetite back, so Mommy is rather pleased. I've been eating chicken soup and have successfully taken 3 bottles of milk since my revolt. I'm still taking medicine, and mostly I feel terrible at night. During the day I am playing and climbing all over Mommy and keeping busy so as to not think about my sickness. DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS!
I've taken the opportunity in the past few days to learn a couple new things. I can use the remote control to change things on the TV, afterwhich I say UH OH. More like..UH UH. But, that is my official first word that I can say in both English AND Vietnamese. I've learned how to say Poo Poo and Apple, and I even said Khai once. I've been reading alot too. My typical busy schedule never permits me much time to catch up on my books. I've done a little driving, a little dancing, practiced my evil stares, gotten to know my cars (Cooper made cars seem so fun!), chased the kitties, and pulled Mommy around by her hair.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mommy is a hog

Sometimes Mommy hogs the computer and doesn't let
me have my turn. I take care of that pretty quickly.

King Khai

When I'm sick, I like to wear my crown and watch
Dora and Diego videos all day long

Still Sick

Over a week has passed and i'm still sick. It all started with a high fever which broke four days later only to be followed by a rash all over my belly and back. Two days after that the rash went away and I thought I was in the clear. But then a few days after that I started coughing, and sneezing and sniffling and now i'm full blown sick sick sick! Its awful. I have been having a hard time breathing and sleeping and everything just hurts. And to make matters worse, Mommy is sick as well and so is Ba Ngoai, and today Daddy said he's feeling sick too!! On Tuesday morning, Mommy took me to see the doctor because I was up all night feeling so yucky. After I saw the doctor, I got not one but TWO stickers!!! This is a first considering I am always gypped out of stickers. You can imagine my excitement. Mommy and I have stayed home all week long. I haven't really been eating much and Mommy has to spoon feed me my milk, because after puking up a whole bottle of milk when I had the fever.... i'm pretty scared to drink another bottle. She tricks me (so she thinks) by putting some cherrios on the spoon with the milk. Oh and she suctions my nose. Its the worst thing ever. I think she's trying to suck my brains out of my nostrils... but oddly enough I can breath after she's done. Regardless, the process is annoying and when I see her coming with the green bulb, I run. Sometimes I try to steal it from her and am successful.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pauvre Me

Boo Hoo Hoo. I'm a really sick boy this weekend. I threw up for the very first time in my whole life!! It was so gross and smelly and got all over me, my clothes, my hair, mommy's clothes, the floor, and my bouncer. Mommy grabbed me right up and rushed me to the tub and took all my clothes off. I was miserable. After cleaning me off, she gave me lots of love and kisses and rocked me until I passed out. I fell asleep fast in her arms ... a whole 2 hours before my usual bedtime. I had a rough nite...tossing and turning and crying and a super high fever. Today I took a three hour long nap and have eaten a little. I'm feeling much better and am running around playing like normal, but still feeling somewhat blah and feverish. Oh and I've been playing with a box all weekend, thanks to Zach and his addiction to boxes... it just seemed like so much fun - and it was! I've always liked standing ON boxes...but never thought to climb IN the box, and even better is when Mommy pulls me around in it! Choo Chooo!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

It's All Mommy's Fault

Hee Heee Heeee... Mommy left a bag of groceries on the floor and turned her back. She shoulda never done that. I dumped the entire brand new box of Corn Pops out. Cherrios are such old news.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I like my feet rubbed

I'm so spoiled. I insist that Mommy rub my feet every single day. I take her hand and put it on my feet all the time and if she stops rubbing them, I get mad and kick her. I even insist she rub my feet in the middle of the night sometimes.. it soothes me.

To The Park We Go

Today was a pretty nice day, so after my haircut adventure we spent a little of the afternoon at the park.

I swung on the swings (something I refused to do the last time I went), I played with some cool sticks that I found, I watched some people play basketball, and I wanted to stomp in the mud but Mommy wouldn't let me. Daddy put me on this spinning chair thing - I was pretty hesitant. And with good reason - shortly after, I fell flat on my face off the chair. I ate dirt! But.. I'm alright. I'm a tough guy, a big boy...with my new big boy haircut!! It got a little chilly so we decided to head out. Besides, I was getting a little tired and fussy- I had a pretty full day today and was getting hungry! Mommy was acting silly and making faces which I did not like AT ALL. But she gave me a Mum Mum..and then everything was A-OK.

A Professional Haircut

Today, Mommy took me to Cartoon Cuts to get my very first REAL haircut....none of this sneak and snip that Mommy has attempted in the past. Yes everyone, my long hair has been chopped. Mommy is sad because she says she loves my curls. But it was really getting out of hand and I couldn't see because my hair was always in my face and it made my eyes itchy!! The haircut was TORTURE!!!

Linda was the lady assigned to cut my hair - she put Dora on the TV for me while I sat in Mommy's lap. She also gave me a truck and a fish to play with - these things only held my interest for a short moment before I went into full protest mode which lasted all the way out the door of the store and down the hall. Mommy had to give me lots of hugs and kisses before I would calm down. One thing I found hilarious was that Mommy had to wear the cape to protect her from all my hair. Hahahaa..she looked pretty goofy and was not pleased that she had to wear it.

Me BEFORE the haircut

Me AFTER the haircut

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Teething Update

In teething news, I've decided to add a few canines to the mix. In the course of 2 weeks I sprouted 4 molars - then on week 3, some canines have begun their process. I hurt. And for the first time in the whole teething process, I drool. Though this has alot to do with my fingers constantly being in my mouth to relieve some of the pain. Mommy has been giving me iced teething rings, apples, cold fruit, chamomile tea, and lots of love while I suffer. And because I love her soooo much, I pay her back with love bites which leave pretty purple marks on her.

Weekend Pics: I shed tears like a pro

Sasha and I climb to the top of the stairs at Sassy's house.

Yep, sigh...that's my mother behind me.

Ahhh, the week is not complete without an outburst of some sort from me.
Tears MUST be shed.
Here I perform my best for my cousins Alex and Avery, and my Sassy.