Over a week has passed and i'm still sick. It all started with a high fever which broke four days later only to be followed by a rash all over my belly and back. Two days after that the rash went away and I thought I was in the clear. But then a few days after that I started coughing, and sneezing and sniffling and now i'm full blown sick sick sick! Its awful. I have been having a hard time breathing and sleeping and everything just
hurts. And to make matters worse, Mommy is sick as well and so is Ba Ngoai, and today Daddy said he's feeling sick too!! On Tuesday morning, Mommy took me to see the doctor because I was up all night feeling so yucky. After I saw the doctor, I got not one but TWO stickers!!! This is a first
considering I am always gypped out of stickers. You can imagine my excitement. Mommy and I have stayed home all week long. I haven't really been eating much and Mommy has to spoon feed me my milk, because after puking up a whole bottle of milk when I had the fever.... i'm pretty scared to drink another bottle. She tricks me (so she thinks) by putting some cherrios on the spoon with the milk. Oh and she suctions my nose. Its the worst thing ever. I think she's trying to suck my brains out of my nostrils... but oddly enough I can breath after she's done. Regardless, the process is annoying and when I see her coming with the green bulb, I run. Sometimes I try to steal it from her and am successful.
Hope you all feel better soon!!!
My Daddy uses that torture device on me, too. It's the worse thing ever. I absolutely HATE it. Sorry to hear you're so sick. I've had a sore throat the past couple mornings. It's a drag being sick. Hope you get better soon.
I hate that snot sucker too :( I have the same one.
I'm sorry you feel so yucky. My Mommy says that first picture of you is adorable. Well, they all are, but that one is just so darn cute. Her words, not mine.
That's awesome you got TWO stickers. You deserved like TEN for all the times they ripped you off. I like your Dora one.
I hope you're feeling better soon. I'm glad you and your Mommy got to spend the week together though! And my Mommy is glad too because she got to talk to your Mommy on the computer all day :)
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