Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

We love you heaps even when you drive us crazy!
We started our busy day at Chuck E Cheese today - Khai had a play date with his buddy Zack this morning, and when we arrived, we were extremely happy to find it nearly empty - at most, there were 4 other families there - no crazy crowds, loudness, pushing, shoving..  Phew!  After three hours of fun and the place starting to fill up, we cashed in our tickets - over 1000 in total between the boys!  We headed over to Mose and Sassy's for a BBQ for the remainder of the afternoon.  A laid back dinner with everyone, it was really nice to have both boys there as well as Mose home.  The heat definitely got to all of us though, and Khai conked out a good two hours before his normal bedtime - I have no idea what to do with all this free time!! 

Khai made mugs for Papa and Mose.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I Scream You Scream

With summer officially just a few days away, the ice cream truck makes its round through the neighborhoods.  Khai has heard the trucks.. he's just never gotten ice cream from one.  Today marks Khai's very first ice cream truck purchase ever!  He chose a drippy, melty, lemon/cherry Iron Man pop. Mmmmm.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I'll randomly look at the calender on the wall in the kitchen and the 13th has crept up on me. And every single time I start counting how many months into the year you are. Today you are exactly 3 years and 8 months old.  Almost 4.  Tomorrow you'll be 16, then 18, then 25...   I want you to stay 3 years and 8 months forever sometimes. You're growing up far too fast. Boooooo.

Khai Goes To The Movies. Again.

So this would be Khai's 3rd trip to the movie theater.  His 2nd time was to see Shrek The Chapter. As with his first visit, he was great throughout the whole thing. Spoke in a whisper when he had questions and really..didn't even have that many questions.  Our 3rd trip was to see The Karate Kid.  We went with Ma Moy, who hadn't been to a movie in ages - so it was a nice treat for all of us.  Khai's been pretty excited to see the movie and had been hiyaa'ing all over the house, but about an hour into the movie he got fairly restless. The popcorn was no longer holding, I forgot to bring any other snacks (bad mom!) and he had finished his drink.  The final fight scene was quickly approaching, meanwhile Khai was saying "I'm done, I want to go home".   I was able to lure to bribe him into staying though! I let him take his shoes off. That worked for about 15 mins. Then socks off bought me another bit of time.   It was a GREAT movie.. and as we walked out the door Khai said" I really really liked it!"   Riiiight.   Though he has been hiyaa'ing me ever since.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dr. Khai

I had a really bad day. .
Khai gave me a cup full of Hotwheels and said drink this mom, it'll make you feel better.  :-)