Here I sit in my throne...otherwise known as Ba Ngoai's massage chair. Diego pillow and I sit on it daily as we watch cartoons. Sometimes I throw Diego over the side..but then I say OH NO! Diegggooooo!!! and hang over the side and try to rescue him. I'm a good friend like that. The chair ...echem...throne....is also good for rides. The part at the front where you put your feet it goes up and down. I like to stand on it as its moving and say UP DOWN UP DOWN! and totally ride the throne.
Daaaaaaaamn nice chair homie!
Mom sat in a massage chair with leg things like that and she got locked in it and it frightened her. I laughed. We all had goodtimes.
That is one SWEEEEET chair! I am so jealous! My Mommy is scared of big massage chairs. I think my Daddy already told you the story... I really love your Diego pillow! You look so comfy! You the man!
you have a cool diego pillow! I got a little dora one but it's way smaller than yours! Cool!!!
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