Mommy got me two really cool videos about how to use the potty. She gave copies to my school and we watch them ALOT. I haven't let on to Mommy that I CAN use the potty....but I can. I have used it at school many times now and that means I'm a big boy. At home, I'm Mommy's baby. I totally play that up - and why wouldn't I? For a while, Mommy kept my brand new Diego potty in the living room and I used it as a chair. Sometimes I'd put my toys in it, other times I'd use the pot as a hat. Mommy has since moved it to the bathroom next to the big potty but that doesn't really stop me from playing with it, which Mommy says I won't be able to do anymore once I actually use it (don't plan on using it anytime soon FYI). I love the videos though and I have watched them over and over again and get mad at Mommy when she turns them off. The first video is called
Potty Power, its my favorite. I love shouting Potty Power!! I feel like a super hero or something. The second video is called
Go Potty Go. Mommy says, if you have a Burlington Coat Factory where you live, they sell the dvds for only $2.99 each which is 3-4 times cheaper than what it costs anywhere else!
Candy hearts and hand stamps have lost their appeal for me. I don't use the potty near as often as I used to. My mommy and daddy were gonna get serious about potty training come the new year, but it hasn't happened yet. Whew, saved by their laziness.
POTTY POWER!! Those videos are awesome!! I have a love hate relationship with my potty. Sometimes I want nothing to do with it, other times I am eager to try and use it... thus far I've pooped in it three times! But usually I just use my diapers. My Mommy and Daddy resolved to get serious about the training come the new year too... but I haven't seen much progress from them yet :P
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