I kept hearing about Coopers cool tent, I just had to have one too and asked my Mommy if she'd make me one. She promises that next time she'll make an even better one for me. She said this one is ghetto but I had lots of fun with it! She chased me round and round...
Nick loves tents! We have a pop up school bus and Thomas one for him. They have a cool Dora one Khai might like at the toy store. :)
Sweet tent! It's tall! Are you playing peek-a-boo in the second last picture? I love peek-a-boo. I play it behind the curtains and under my bath towel :P
I've definitely gotta get my mommy to make me a tent like yours and Cooper's. I still play in my cardboard fort, but it's not as spacious as your tents. I like playing peek-a-boo in my fort, though. Mommy will close the doors, then pop them open. Sometimes she'll pop up in the window instead. It makes me jump and laugh my head off. Lately, I've been playing peek-a-boo around the couch. I'll hide behind the arm, then jump up and say "boo".
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