My new nickname is Diggy. I say it all the time....diggy diggy diggy ddddiigggggeeeee. So Mommy and Daddy decided this is what my nickname is going to be. Really, it's my latest way to call kittie. I used to say hittie...but now its diggeee, as I chase them all over the house and scream at them. I'm learning how to be much more gentle with them but I don't think they appreciate it yet.
Hi Diggy! Look at those adorable lips!
Hehe Diggy. My nicknames are Monkey and Monster. Mommy's always calling me Angel too... like I'm a little girl or something.
I'm Monkey too. And Monster and they say Ba Ba alot..like they are sheep.. but they say that for everything...when they are calling me, when they want me to open my mouth to eat... I really don't know what to respond to anymore.
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