I now scrunch my face up for all occassions and purposes. It initially started when I had a runny nose and didn't know what to do with it. Basically I didn't know how to sniff. Now I scrunch when i'm excited (in addition to flapping my arms like a bird), I scrunch when i'm mad (in addition to a few tears), I scrunch when I see the cats... pretty much for everything.
I also scootch. Is that a word? As we all know...I do not crawl yet. Or maybe never. But I am so determined to get somewhere fast. I try and try but can't get my one leg to follow command so I push the other forward while the uncooperative one stays stuck behind and I scootch myself across the floor. Mommy says I look like a cripple. Mean Mommy! It gets me where I want to go though and thats all that matters.
Mommy just might post some photo's one of these days...be on the lookout*
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The Big Bang!
The other day I was cruising along the coffee table at home, when I slip and fell bumping the underside of my jaw on the corner of the table. Blood spurted out, tears were streaming... Mommy and Daddy jumped up really fast, Daddy swept me up into his arms while Mommy freaked at the site of my blood. It was determined I bit my tongue. Mommy was really worried at the amount of blood that came out, while Daddy checked to make sure I still had all four of my teeth intact. Bumps and bruises are becoming more and more common these days as I attempt to get from one place to the next, falling and tumbling as I go. Some days I forget my head exists beyond my eyes and bump my forehead, other days I lose sense of the distance of things and lunge in full attack at the kitties or Mommy or one of my toys a mile away...and boom! Thankfully I have lots of people who love me always nearbye to scoop me up and load me with kisses and hugs to make it all better.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Grunty and Stats
This morning I went to see Dr. Iskander because I've been making some gasping noises and Mommy has been a little worried. I'm totally fine, havn't had any troubles breathing or anything...just keep making the sounds. Dr. Iskander checked my lungs, my ears, my throat.. said I was doing really well and growing quite nicely. She told Mommy not to worry and to just keep monitoring me and if at all possible to catch the gasping on tape and send it in to her. I haven't gasped since the visit (heh heh..making it tough on Mommy). I've also been making some grunting noises for a number of months now. Dr. Iskander said its perfectly normal and that not uncommon. Something to do with weather changes, humidity, etc. Oh, and while I was there, I asked the nurse to weigh me and measure me. I'm 21 pounds 10 ounces and I am 29 inches long.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Burke Lake Park

Friday, July 13, 2007
9 Months Today!

Top Teeth

Over the 4th of July
weekend, four top teeth
began to emerge. So far,
two have broken their way
thru while the other two
are on the verge. I hurt.
I am miserable. I am cranky.
I've been giving Mommy a
hard time. On the other hand, I'm glad to be getting
four out of the way in one blow. Also, this means my
bite will become more powerful much sooner.
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