Sunday, January 27, 2008
Weekend Pics: French Fry Fun
I love french fries.
Here I steal some of Mommy's fries and shove as many as I can in my mouth before I am caught.
I like to make my french fries kiss.
Even better, I like to shove them between my toes.
It feels so squishy! I know...I'm weird.
I tried to pay for the fries with credit card, but my toes say they don't accept credit.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Weekend Pic: Mr. Grumpy
Grumpy Grumpy Grump Grump Grump.
Here is me and my new t-shirt.... perfect for those days I'm feeling extra grumpy.
Course then Mommy flips me upside down and gives me kisses...and all is quickly forgotten.... for a moment at least.

Friday, January 18, 2008
Friday Boredom
Molars Molars
Ding Ding Ding... an update from the teething front.
I have FOUR molars now. Mommy just found # 4 a few moments ago as she was feeding me dinner. I don't know how she didn't notice it any sooner considering I bit her so hard this morning I bruised her arm. heh. Here's a picture of Mommy and I cheesing for the camera today.
I have FOUR molars now. Mommy just found # 4 a few moments ago as she was feeding me dinner. I don't know how she didn't notice it any sooner considering I bit her so hard this morning I bruised her arm. heh. Here's a picture of Mommy and I cheesing for the camera today.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Chillin' and Relaxin'
Every day when I wake it from my nap or in the morning, I love to hang out in bed and watch Dora..or Diego...or Teletubbies...or a handful of other favorites. Primarily its Dora or Diego though. They are always in the DVD player if not on TV already. I like to lounge on the many pillows Mommy keeps on the bed to barricade me in when I sleep. When I wake up, she props them up all around so I can lean back and relax...

Here are a couple photos of me chillin...and a video from this weekend. Please excuse my corny Mommy...she is sooooo embarrassing!!!
I'm So Excited!
Not sure about what...but i'm excited nonetheless... most likely its Dora or Diego on TV that is making me flap like a bird...
As usual...don't mind the skippiness of the footage.
As usual...don't mind the skippiness of the footage.
Teeth Chomp Chomp
Tonight Mommy discovered a third molar sprouting in my mouth. I had kept it a secret from her.... but she saw it when I was laughing. So now, i'm up to 10 whole teeth!! Three of which are molars. This comes in handy. I can now chomp on countless things including Mommy's fingers, shoulder, arm, leg, belly...anything I can sink my teeth into. This does not please Mommy and she scolded me tonight for it making me cry. Hmph. Growing new teeth hurts!! Does she not get this??
Sunday, January 13, 2008
15 Months Old
I am 15 months old today! Its been a while since i've talked about the new things I've been up to so I think its time for an update.
To date, I still do not crawl. I really don't think I'll ever bother to learn. Climbing up stairs has become a breeze. Not only can I go up, I can go down. Going down is much more difficult for me, but if I have something or someone to hold onto its no sweat. I am pretty obsessed with stairs, though I'm constantly blocked from them. I also climb up and down furniture these days which is great fun! Pretty soon, i'll be scaling the bookshelf if Mommy and Daddy don't watch it.
I'm eating lots of great foods. Mommy is thrilled that I like ketchup with my eggs and my mac-n-cheese (she's a ketchup freak!). I am kinda over Cherrios these days and have gone back to liking Puffs. Mum Mums are still pretty high on the list of likes. Mommy is trying to get me to drink my milk out of a sippy cup these days, but i'm still prefering the bottle. I do however like my water and juice out of a sippy cup. Just not milk. You know I have to make it a little difficult for her! Oh, and I finally tried an orange and liked it!! I love eating fruits and veggies...which I hear is a great thing.
I love playing with my toys and spreading them far across the house, hiding them in the bathtub and other secret places and watching my favorite TV programs. Dora The Explorer is still tops on my list, although Go Diego Go has recently peaked my interest. I'm thinking of giving Dora a rest... i'm a little Dora'ed out.. although she still makes me smile pretty big. This past weekend Mommy bought me a Diego pillow case because I turned 15 months.. I love my Diego pillow!!! I know how to point to his face and say Diego! I'm still practicing the Spanish words that i've learned from watching Dora and Diego..and soon will be fluent. Just wait and see!
New teeth have sprouted in my mouth out of the blue after a dry spell. This really helps because now I can chomp on more things.
I love taking baths now. I love the flowing water, splashing it all over the place, chasing my toys in the tub and especially love when Mommy blows bubbles into the tub for me. Sometimes I try to stand up in the tub and Mommy scolds me and tells me to sit down. I'm a good boy and listen.
I still fight the whole sleeping bit. I take two naps a day when I'm at Ba Ngoai's house. And on the weekends I generally only take one nap. Bedtime is still 8pm and on occassion I actually fall asleep pretty fast. Most other times I give Mommy a hard time because I like to roll around and play. Mommy ends up falling asleep before me and I find I have to smack her to wake her up. Hee Heee...
Thats all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure there is alot more for me to tell...but its so hard to remember everything! I'm growing really fast, getting into everything (really fast) and just having a good time being a big little boy. :-)
To date, I still do not crawl. I really don't think I'll ever bother to learn. Climbing up stairs has become a breeze. Not only can I go up, I can go down. Going down is much more difficult for me, but if I have something or someone to hold onto its no sweat. I am pretty obsessed with stairs, though I'm constantly blocked from them. I also climb up and down furniture these days which is great fun! Pretty soon, i'll be scaling the bookshelf if Mommy and Daddy don't watch it.
I'm eating lots of great foods. Mommy is thrilled that I like ketchup with my eggs and my mac-n-cheese (she's a ketchup freak!). I am kinda over Cherrios these days and have gone back to liking Puffs. Mum Mums are still pretty high on the list of likes. Mommy is trying to get me to drink my milk out of a sippy cup these days, but i'm still prefering the bottle. I do however like my water and juice out of a sippy cup. Just not milk. You know I have to make it a little difficult for her! Oh, and I finally tried an orange and liked it!! I love eating fruits and veggies...which I hear is a great thing.
I love playing with my toys and spreading them far across the house, hiding them in the bathtub and other secret places and watching my favorite TV programs. Dora The Explorer is still tops on my list, although Go Diego Go has recently peaked my interest. I'm thinking of giving Dora a rest... i'm a little Dora'ed out.. although she still makes me smile pretty big. This past weekend Mommy bought me a Diego pillow case because I turned 15 months.. I love my Diego pillow!!! I know how to point to his face and say Diego! I'm still practicing the Spanish words that i've learned from watching Dora and Diego..and soon will be fluent. Just wait and see!
New teeth have sprouted in my mouth out of the blue after a dry spell. This really helps because now I can chomp on more things.
I love taking baths now. I love the flowing water, splashing it all over the place, chasing my toys in the tub and especially love when Mommy blows bubbles into the tub for me. Sometimes I try to stand up in the tub and Mommy scolds me and tells me to sit down. I'm a good boy and listen.
I still fight the whole sleeping bit. I take two naps a day when I'm at Ba Ngoai's house. And on the weekends I generally only take one nap. Bedtime is still 8pm and on occassion I actually fall asleep pretty fast. Most other times I give Mommy a hard time because I like to roll around and play. Mommy ends up falling asleep before me and I find I have to smack her to wake her up. Hee Heee...
Thats all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure there is alot more for me to tell...but its so hard to remember everything! I'm growing really fast, getting into everything (really fast) and just having a good time being a big little boy. :-)
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Weekend Pics: The Walk
Mommy, Daddy and I took a walk around the neighborhood. It started getting chilly so they figured we'd best go back home.. I was not done walking. I decided i'd keep going...much to Mommy and Daddy's disapproval...but I let them know what I felt about that! I'm a rebel.
On our way out the door. Mommy and I growl for the camera.
My leaf and I.
Totally ignoring Mommy as she calls after me....
This is what I think. Boogy!
Daddy went to get me. I protested.
The End.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Khai Dinh Films Presents....

Here is one of me and my new tent. The other is of me and bubble fun!
My new Dora mansion
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