Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Notes From My Mommy: OK!
I also tried to tell her that Khai has a cold and hasn't been eating anything and that I've brought his lunch but to please keep an eye out on him and let me know how things go. Yes... the response was OK!! smile smile smile.
So I get to work and call Nancy - the director - she's sounding busy and kinda rushes me off the phone as I'm telling her what I've tried to tell Lili, but she does tell me she'll talk to Lili.
When I pickup Khai in the afternoon, Lili is gone, so I talk to Carina/Catrina and tell her I hope Lili isn't mad, that I'm not trying to upset anyone because I just hate making people mad - but that I am just worried about my sons eating habits. She is compassionate and says "No, no, nobody is mad and this is your son, you have every right to be concerned." That makes me feel better.
Logsheet says Khai barely ate today and threw up his applesauce.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sigh, Its Only Monday??
I've also got a new molar coming in. Mommy thinks my bite is nasty now... just wait. Chomp Chomp.
Oh, and I'll never turn down a french fry. :-D
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sick Again! Arg....
I really don't feel like eating much. No appetite. Food = Yecch.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Notes From My Mommy: Lies!
The good thing about being home is I got to obsessively watch Khai via the webcam.
The bad thing is I noticed he didn't eat his lunch (none of the kids did) and yet Ms. Lili marked on Khai's logsheet that he did.
My question is this - HOW do they expect 2 year olds to eat a glob of spinach on their own??
When John and I went to pick up Khai, we asked his other teacher, Catrina ( or is it Carina?) about the logsheet. I told her I wasn't mad but that I’m just trying to find out what he can/cannot eat. If he can't eat something on their menu - I'll bring him his own lunch! Ok, I was a little mad - but I don't want to come across as one of those psycho parents raging my child's first week of school! So I had to come at it from a different approach.
She understood where I was coming from though - but said I had to ask Lili on Monday, since she's in charge of the logsheet.
How annoying.
My son ate nothing but pretzels, if that, all day long. I just wonder how many other times this has occurred. I know he won't starve to death, but arg!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
National Zoo
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Day Four of School - Ladies and a Backpack

Notes From My Mommy: The Camera Freak and The Parrot
I'm sure you can tell we are very camera happy people. I carry a camera with me everywhere I go because you never know when or what you'll need to take a snapshot or video of! Yesterday I had taken a video of Khai when I picked him up from school - it was so cute. But, my dumb self accidentally deleted it!! Grrrr. So I had to re-create the moment on Day Four of school. I'm still kicking myself for deleting yesterday's footage - but this one is just as good. Khai just has so much to say at the end of the school day and also mimicks alot - but I've noticed that he gets annoyed with me half way thru the ride home because i'm asking him to say things over and over and he says Moooommaaaaa!!!! as in to say Shut Up. And pretty much after that he doesn't talk until we get home and someone else or something else interests him. Its just that i'm so wow'ed by the fact that he's saying things now, even if he never repeats the word again.. he's a really good parrot!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Second Day of Preschool
Notes From My Mommy
Today was Khai's very first day of school. I really thought I would break down like I hear other moms do, in the parking lot or even as I was handing him over to his teacher, but surprisingly I did quite well. It wasn't as hard as I thought! Don't get me wrong, I thought about Khai ALL morning and didn't do a lick of work - waiting for lunchtime so I could go back and check on him. But at most, my eyes teared up as I was leaving...but thats about it.
I had found this daycare center back in May and liked what they had to offer - then this past Friday, John, Khai and I finally went to check it out. We met with the director, Nancy, and she gave us the grand tour. All the kids were SO friendly and the teachers were all very attentive, which of course is a good sign. We also really like that Khai won't just play all day, but will be learning too. Nancy also told us that the kids are taught Spanish and baby sign.
This morning was a bit tough. Khai cried when he realized we were leaving him there - but his teacher Ms. Lili, told me that he calmed down right after we left. When we checked in on him at lunchtime he was sitting with his classmates while the teacher read to them - Khai was sitting front and center, eagerly participating in whatever it was Ms. Lili was having them do (i'll post the picture later - haven't uploaded it yet! Bad me.)
When I came to pick him up in the afternoon, he was so happy and was such a chatterbox. This makes me so very happy and i'm so glad he's finally able to be around other kids his own age!
Monday, September 15, 2008
My First Day of Preschool

I get to color and sing and dance and play at the playground and sooo many other fun things. When I first got there, I was a little nervous because I didn't know what to expect. My Mommy and Daddy took me to my classroom to meet my new friends and teacher, Ms. Lili. She's very nice. A bunch of kids came and said HI to me and were very friendly and welcoming. I kind of got a little scared and madeMommy carry me. I will admit, I cried. It was a bit

I couldn't stop talking and talked all the way til bedtime. Mommy thought I'd be exhausted from such a full day, but I wasn't. I was way to excited to sleep!
I said night night to everything.. the stars, Ba Ngoai, Mama, Papa, Pepe, Lily, my cars, trucks, trains, Kai-Lan, Ho-Ho, Rintoo, Ming Ming, Linny, Tuck, my feet, my hands, my nose, my belly... on and on and on... and finally I fell asleep. Oh and for my very first school lunch, I had turkey tacos!! I have never had those before!! Yum.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Reston Zoo
Friday, September 12, 2008
Baby Jaguar
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I Love Rocket
As you may or may not know, I love the show Little Einsteins. Its one of my latest favorites. I can sing the whole theme song and know alot of the words to most of the episodes because I watch them over and over - nevermind that I don't say the words quite right...but I know what I mean when i'm saying them and thats all that matters! Rocketship is my most favorite!
* You will note i'm coughing and nearly dying and Mommy continues to video me!!!
Here I am watching the Intro to Little Einsteins, for the millionth time on Mommy's laptop - which took foreeeeever to load up. I'd start singing and it would stop on me. Lucky for Mommy's laptop I was in a good mood today.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I'm Super Khai!!