My very third Christmas ever and the first that I am old enough to really grasp whats going on and enjoy it.... well, supposed to. I started the day off with a tantrum, in true Khai fashion. I didn't want to open anything. I didn't want to participate. I threw myself on the pillow by the tree and huffed and puffed until Daddy tried to intrigue me with the new boat he got me. It worked. I got lots of really cool books and toys and puzzles and clothes and money! It got to the point where there was just too much to open and I couldn't do it anymore. I just wanted to play with my goods! I can't even begin to list everything I got - things like lots of Thomas stuff, enough books to last me forever, a new case for my cars, more cars, I don't even know. It has been an extremely full and busy day and i'm ready to pass out. No sign of snow yet. I keep hearing about it..but I have yet to lay my eyes on this stuff. What is snow?!!!!