The past three days have been eventful to say the least. My gums hurt. I hurt. Mommy's head hurts. And we are all exhausted. I try to cope as best as I can but jabbing pains in my mouth do not permit me to. I don't know what’s going on. Mom says I’m teething. I hear those little suckers can give a tight bite. I bite pretty strongly as it is – Mommy will attest to that. I cannot begin to describe what I am going thru as I have yet to experience enough in my 5 months. I can only hope this goes away fast. I think Mommy will agree – but I have a feeling this teething thing is here to stay, at least for a while. I’ve spent the past three days chewing on frozen plastic, washcloths, and a couple fingers, including my own. Actually I chew on my fingers a lot. My mom can’t get me to drink my milk WITHOUT my finger ALSO in my mouth. Heh Heh...part of that is to just throw her for a loop; the other part is it relieves the pain as I poke at my gums. Something is trying to poke its way out of them. I hope to poke it or them, back in. I also now have a bit of a red face...what some would call a drool rash. Constant wiping and dapping of the wet chin will do that. I also banged my head with my teething ring this morning – that pretty much upset me for the morning and left me feeling miserable as I rode off to grandma’s house, strapped in the prison they call a car seat. I hear I am going to get a new one soon because my feet have reached the edge of my current one and I’m getting too big for it. I don’t know if I should be excited about this or what. I think I’m not. I don’t see what is so exciting about that darn thing anyways....I don’t get to see anything, I face the back of the car and the whole while, Mommy is in the front singing Bert and Ernie songs to me about the letters L and D and a rubber ducky and I’m supposed to be impressed?? Yes, I am having a foul day. So poo poo on me. What do I care? I am a rebel anyways; I will spit on you, like I did this morning as Daddy strapped me into the prison seat. Not only that, my hat is too small for my head and nobody seems to want to get me a new one. What does a kid have to do around here to get a new hat and some pain relief? I’d like to take a moment here to put in a word on my Moms behalf. She has been sleep deprived (she says for roughly a year now) but she has been trying pretty hard to keep me sane, although some of her methods have me thinking God....what a retard. She does make great efforts though with her crazy songs, her almost obnoxious dances and the faces she makes....oh man, the faces. She even sleeps hanging off the side of the bed many a nights just so I can monopolize it (and Daddy, he winds up on the couch a lot). Its only a Queen size...not meant for a KING like me... but eh, it will do as long as I can spin my 360’s in the middle of the night and kick Mommy in the gut, thighs, and wherever else I feel necessary. It’s the little things I do to pay her for her wonderful efforts. I’m a good son like that. Last night I decided I’d try something new. I let her sleep thru the night. I think that made her happy and rested. It probably won’t happen again so I hope she doesn’t count on it – as I always say – gotta keep the adults on their toes, forever guessing my next move.