Heh Heh Heh. I’m a little devil. As the morning rolled on, I was not in pain. In fact, I ate, drank, relaxed, watched some cartoons and played up my cuteness to my Grandma in full force. No crying, no fussing – I was a good boy. Let them wonder whats up with me now! Am I teething? Am I not? Nobody knows!!! Mwaa hahaa. I cough a little here, I sneeze a little there. Is it a cold? Who knows! I will never tell. I haven’t hiccupped in quite a while, so I decided I’ll throw a couple of those out as well for no good reason – not even after a drink – just a random bout of hiccups out of the mysterious blue. You should see them wonder! I love it. Yesterday I even semi- rolled. Ooh, they had their hopes up for a full roll but no no no....I didn’t give it to them! Now I hear Cooper is getting himself onto his hands and knees. Poor Mommy is hoping I”ll get there too. Mommy is hoping for anything at this point. She keeps telling me Coop will get all the girls if I don’t get my act together. She is so silly. I’m the Ladies Man. My t-shirt says so. I am not worried. The ladies will come to me. In the meantime I will have to have a conference with Mr. Cooper U. He dared roll and crawl without me. I think Zach is up to the same. I will say though that I am proudly one 5 month old who can sit on my very own. On some occasions I’ll sit for a decent amount of time, watching tv, chit chatting etc. Other times I tumble over while trying to attack my feet. Those darn things keep wiggling at me, I just have to smack them! Anyways, enough of this for now. I’m exhausted from all this writing. I’m off to think of new ways to stir up something in the household... more later.

Haha. It's so fun to keep them guessing! We are pros at that! Way to go with the almost-roll-over! Soon you won't be able to stop rolling over... it's like a whole new world...really fun to annoy Mommy with when she tries to dress you! You sound like an excellent sitter. And what the heck? Your toes wiggle at you too? I swear, we are like long lost brothers or something!
You guys are gonna leave me in the dust. Khai can sit on his own, Cooper can stand on his own, all I manage to do is kick and roll (Drives my mommy nuts when she's trying to change my diaper.)
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