Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
12 Month Checkup
I got 4 needles stuck in my legs. They hurt and yes..I cried.
Mommy decided to get a shot too, which made me feel better.
Mommy even stole a sticker for me! She is so bad like that and thats why I love her. I got an Elmo sticker! Here is a picture Mommy took of me when we got home - as you can tell, I have fully recovered from the entire ordeal. I will be going back next month for part 2 of my flu shot though. NOT happy about that.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I Love Presents!
Cooper sent me a very cool, homemade trick or treat bag filled with goodies - candy, a coloring book, some stickers, and a Halloween Elmo DVD! I'm not much of a colorer yet, but I do enjoy a crayon or two. Green is particulary tasty. I was pretty upset when Mommy tried to take the green I had colored on my bottom teeth, off. What a party pooper. She and Daddy also swiped all the candy....thats ok though, as I plan on eating the bells on the bag next.
Zach sent me a very cool shirt - one of my new favorites! You can see it in this picture. Its got skulls. YEAH! I also got two
Dora books - one I really, really like....it makes noise and Mommy has already read it to me 6 times, in full Dora Voice!! I also got some party favors from Zach's 1st bday - like tattoos, bubbles, m&m's (Mommy and Daddy have hogged the candy yet again_. I did manage to devour the puffs though. There were also several key chains with Zach's picture in them which I have found are perfect for dropping in cups and boxes over and over. I also like to see how many I can hold in one hand at a time.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Ticonderoga Farm

There wasn't much to do there for me. There was a huge slide area that Carter and Daddy got to go on, but I didn't because i'm too small.
I stood at the bottom sulking.
We did alot of walking around the grounds and the woods. We walked around the Christmas tree patch for the longest time because the lady who worked there told us the "real" pumpkin patch was just beyond the trees... liar.
Later, while Daddy and Carter roasted marshmellows at the fire pit, Mommy took me out for a photo shoot. I stood in a tee pee, I played with leaves, I tried to eat some rocks and dirt and twigs, I got to drink some hot apple cider for the very first time, saw an alligator swamp, and I
even poked at a skeleton hanging in a tree!

On the ride home, I completely passed out from exhaustion.
Phew! All in all, not a bad day.

Sunday, October 14, 2007
My Very First Birthday!

Before the day even really started, Mommy and Daddy let me open my first round of presents
from my greatest pal, Cooper!! He got me a very cool monkey suit, a Dora DVD (he knows my weakness) as well as Elmo in Grouchland (his favorite) and a cool pirate book. His Mommy also sent a cool video of me from the day I was born until now! After presents and breakfast and a little bit of playing, I had to take a nap. Mommy wanted to make sure I was well rested for my big party.

When I woke up from my nap, I was a little cranky. But soon my party guests arrived. I was shy for a good while, but in the end a good time was had by all. I finally got to try cake for the first time and got my first sugar buzz too.
A before and after of my cake.
Mommy was fearful that I would cry at my party but i'm a big boy now and big boys don't cry. I got some very cool presents - books, dvds, an entire band set, an air popper ball thingy, a catepillar that teachs me the alphabet, alphabet blocks, a Dora chair, a train, a cellphone, and keys for my car, money and some gift cards.
I had a great time and am very glad everyone came to see ME! It was a very special day!!
~A photo album of my big day is to the right of the page.
Eating my train after the party guests left. I guess sugar does weird things to you.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Year One of Khai

Here are some of the things I like and can do (update since last month):
Television -
- Dora the Explorer - this is A-Number ONE in my world..
- Go Diego Go - Diego is Dora's cousin.. he's not too bad either.
- Super Why
- The Good Night Show
- The Wonder Pets
- Yo Gabba Gabba
- Moose A. Moose and Zee from The Noggin Channel
- Noddy
- Elmo
- Ok...the list goes on, obviously I'm a TV addict for now.
- CHERRIOS!!! - I am an addict.
- Baby Mum Mums - gotta have them.
- Pears, Apples, Mango's, Banana's... I like it all.
- Yogurt, Sherbert, Ice cream
- Chamomile Tea
- Chicken
- Rice
- Tofu
- Cheese
- Whole milk
- I pretty much eat anything I can put in my mouth. I'm not very picky. If its on your plate, I want it.
- My walker - aka my car...aka my ride.
- The computer - I love playing on the internet.
- Empty water bottles and boxes
- My alphabet magnets
- Balls
- Nesting cups
- Cell phones
- Remote controls
- R2D2
- Kitties
- Pillows
- Mommy - climbing all over her especially.
- Nose scrunching - especially when I'm happy.
- Picking my nose
- Biting Mommy
- Farting like Daddy
- Pulling on my ear
- Fuss when Mommy enters the room to get my way.
- Shaking my head to say no, and also when i'm happy and dancing.
- Dancing
- Trying to stand on my head.
- Walking all by myself!
- Bending down without falling over
- Swatting, pushing away when I don't want something.
- Squatting.
- Pulling myself up
- Head banging
- Waving bye
- Giving kisses when I feel like it.
- Drinking out of a big boy cup all by myself
- Putting things like balls into containers
- Did I already mention picking my nose?
- I flip flap at my mouth and smack my lips when i'm hungry or thirsty.
- I still only have 7.....but am working on a few more and I know how to use them!
- Mom, Mama, Mammmm
- Papa, Dada
- Baba
- Elmo - I said this four whole times.
- Deeego (for Diego) - I said this twice.
- Hitty (for Kitty) -I've said this here and there.
- Hi - used on occasion
- Carter - I said my brothers name twice just for kicks. Its true! Ok..I said it more like Ca-tah.
- Backpack - learned this from Dora
- Map - ditto
- Up - I've used this on occassion when i've wanted Mommy to lift me up.
- Chit Chaaa - "uh oh" in Vietnamese. Yeah...i'm bilingual baby!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Facing Forward
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