Cooper sent me a very cool, homemade trick or treat bag filled with goodies - candy, a coloring book, some stickers, and a Halloween Elmo DVD! I'm not much of a colorer yet, but I do enjoy a crayon or two. Green is particulary tasty. I was pretty upset when Mommy tried to take the green I had colored on my bottom teeth, off. What a party pooper. She and Daddy also swiped all the candy....thats ok though, as I plan on eating the bells on the bag next.
Zach sent me a very cool shirt - one of my new favorites! You can see it in this picture. Its got skulls. YEAH! I also got two
Dora books - one I really, really makes noise and Mommy has already read it to me 6 times, in full Dora Voice!! I also got some party favors from Zach's 1st bday - like tattoos, bubbles, m&m's (Mommy and Daddy have hogged the candy yet again_. I did manage to devour the puffs though. There were also several key chains with Zach's picture in them which I have found are perfect for dropping in cups and boxes over and over. I also like to see how many I can hold in one hand at a time.
Glad you like the gifts. That's a drag that your parents swiped all your candy. Make sure you squirrel away some of your Halloween loot before they get all that, too. My mommy got me the same shirt. I'm gonna wear it to the Baby Love Disco dance that my mom is dragging me to this weekend.
Yay! Hope u liked my Trick or Treat bag, it glows in the dark too!
Have fun with it this Halloween!!!
Cool T-shirt! What's with our Mommy's and skulls? Hey... my Daddy drew skulls on your bag. They must want us to be really bad ass or something. I have a trick or treat bag too... I heard Mommy say something about her and Daddy stealing and eating all of my candy though... what gives?! I do the work and they eat the candy???
Your parents usre do love candy!!!!
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