This weekend I made sure not a moment was wasted. Saturday was a rainy, yucky day. Mommy and I manged to get to the post office and back just before the first downpour. The lady at the post office said I was a big boy. I smacked her credit card machine. I got a new balloon on a stick from the grocery store later that afternoon~ I broked the stick in half and tore the balloon off the stick before the day was over. But before breaking it, I spent quite some time walking the balloon around the house and chasing the shadow it made on the carpet. Super fun!

I got some Diego men too! Actually they are cake toppers, but I find them make nice soldiers and I like to line them up
then stomp them with my foot. Then I move them to the
next spot and knock them over again. I

really don't like when they are on their side though, and am a little obssessive about propping them back upright.
We got a new vaccum cleaner for the household because the old one was broken... I thought it was a new toy for me. In fact I took it over for a day until Mommy took it away from me. I think I could vaccum very well if I were allowed to. Mommy said I may get my wish soon.
Today (Sunday) Mommy and I went to Toys R Us. I got a new plastic

slinky since I twisted up the metal one. I also got a new Diego in a truck, a Thomas the Tank Engine, and some markers. I also stole a green balloon from the store. hehee. But Mommy said I could have it though because it actually was a balloon that was advertising

a sale.... it got away and I got it! I screamed for Mommy to take me out of the shopping cart and ran down the aisle shouting I GOT IT! I GOT IT! I sure did.... heheee. I didn't let go of my precious balloon for hours! Saturday's balloon is long forgotten.
Wow, you made out with the goods and it's not even your birthday. Well, it's almost your 17-month birthday. I like your Diego army. Mommy told me your new phrase, so I've been running around yelling "GOT IT" whether it's a balloon or a ball I'm after or some keys that I've dropped.
Wow sounds like you had a good weekend! I like your Diego army... they look pretty cool. I like your new vacuum too... i love love love the vacuum. I try to vacuum every time Mommy gets it out then I dance all around when she turns it on.
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