Things I like to eat: French Fries are amazing. I've just learned how to dip them in yummy ketchup too and oh man its so good. I still love apples more than ever in fact I love most fruits, but apples are number one. Rice and lo mein noodles are really yummy, chicken is my meat of choice and yogurt is pretty tasty. I like green beans, or really anything in stick form that is crunchy. I tend to go through phases of being a greedy little boy to being a picky eater. But no
matter what mood I'm in... Mum Mums are rarely turned down, along with those apples! I'm eating like a big boy more and more.. Mommy still cuts up my food for me here and there, but now that I've got a bunch of teeth I'm able to chomp chomp chomp on my own!! Course my canines are taking their fine time coming out. My top two have just the tips out, but my bottom fangs have yet to sprout. And every night I brush them like a good boy with my Dora toothbrush! Mommy says Brusha Brusha Brush and I brush them for her!
Things I like to do: I'm walking, I'm running, I'm climbing. I love chasing the kitties all over the house, its so fun! I love to run away from mommy when she tries to change my diaper, I love taking baths and am learning how to blow bubbles in the water with my mouth. Speaking of bubbles... I LOVE bubbles!! I like climbing up and down the stairs when I'm allowed, I like chatting on the phone, and I like playing on the internet. I still love watching Dora and Diego, along with Yo Gabba Gabba, Wonder Pets, Wow Wow Wubbzy, Spongebob Squarepants, Dragon Tales, and a couple others. I love shrieking. I try to dance from time to time, but head bobbing and thrashing is way more fun. I love to run outside and play and sometimes I get to go to the playground at the mall. I enjoy stealing Mommys belongings, like her shoes and phone and camera when she's not looking and its always great fun when I make her crawl around on her hands and knees while I ride on her back going RAWR!!!! RAWR!!! I'm so silly. There are just so many new things to do, so many new things I've yet to try. I can't wait!!
Things I'm talking about: These days I've got lots to say. I'm saying things in English, Vietnamese and Spanish. My list includes words such as: Hi, Bye Bye, No, Come on, I got it, Catch it, Ball, Up, Down, Milk, Water, Cool, Allo (for Hello), Kitty, Puma, Mama, Dada, Apple, Mum Mum, Backpack, Map, Boots, Please, Thank You, Spectacle, Peek-a-Boo, Go Go, Diego, Bob, Yay, Weee, Whoa, Boo, Help, Uh Oh, Bubble, and Star. In Spanish I say things like Hola, Ole, Abre, Rojo, Verde, Activate, Azul, and Para and in Vietnamese I'm not saying too much, but I can say Uh Oh in it and I understand a lot more than I let on. I also meow, bark, quack, ribbit, roar, growl, and can imitate whales, llamas, jaguars, bears, and monkies. Eek Eek!!!
I don't have my 18 month check up until May the 2nd, so I don't know how much I weigh now or how tall I am.. but I will report after that appointment. This time around, if they give me shots.... I have my teeth. The nurse better watch out.
Happy 18 months!! We're sure getting old! You are one talented guy! Multi-lingual!! Mommy giggled at the word spectacle. She says that is just so random and cute! Where did you get it from?
Wow!! 18 months already!!
We're big boys now!!! Watch out for that 18-month check-up. They're gonna try to poke you again. But after that, you're set till kindergarten, 'cept for flu shots.
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