It snowed! We finally got a lot of snow at the start of this month and it was the first time I really got to see that much. Because of the cold weather and me being prone to getting sick so frequently, I was stuck inside a lot and had to come up with new and interesting things to pass the time. I put on fashion shows, read frequently to Pepe the kitty, wore a cape around the house for a few days - only taking it off for bedtime, I insisted Mommy put my hair in a pony tail, learned how to use a camera and did my very first photo shoot, I made music, made cheesecake, got sick a few times, and became interested in Bakugan after seeing Carter playing it. This would be my first big boy game toy.

Dude, tell your writer (a.k.a. Mommy) to get on the ball. MARCH was soooo . . . yesterday. I had pull the whip out on my writer . . . she finally posted some recent entries. Anyway, isn't snow cool? We had to drive up to the mountain to see some, but it was lots of fun. Hmm, speaking of which, I think my mommy hasn't posted those pics yet. Gotta pull the whip out again. If you don't stay on them, they turn into slackers.
Darn...I can't see any of the pics on here. :( Definitely glad to read about the King though. :)
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