Monday, September 21, 2009


I guess here would be the best time to transition over from Khai writing to me writing - although i'm still way behind. I'm not sure how I had so much more time to post before. I thought I had the zombie mom thing down.. maybe its finally caught up to me as I find myself going to bed when I put Khai to bed each night, more and more these days. Ok, let me take that back, I fall asleep as I'm waiting for Khai to fall asleep. I'm not sure who really falls asleep first, all I know is that I wake up and its the middle of the night and I say to hell with it and go back to sleep. I have every intention each night to get up after he's fallen asleep and work on the countless projects i've started.. .. it never happens. And on the random night like last night, where I did have a little time, I opted to do a whole lot of nothing, but veg on the couch and catch a breath and a break.
Anyways, I've successfully re-added the 2009 pictures i've lost and slowly will make my way backwards to get everything else back in place. I keep making new goals for myself to get caught up on this blog and the photo albums.. hopefully this is my last goal set and I can do it once and for all!

1 comment:

Jen said...

So glad to see some new blogs!! I've meeeesed! I feel you on the vegging out. I have so many started projects, lists of things I want to accomplish... yet by the time I finally get Cooper off to bed in the evening I barely have the energy to do anything but veg in front of the TV for a couple hours!