Happy Halloween!!! Its finally came and sadly went too quickly. This year was Khai's first year trick or treating in the neighborhoods. Last year, he was sick and we spent at most 15 minutes at the mall where they do trick or treating indoors, and the year before that we were also at the mall but even then, Khai was too young to really know what was going on. So this year was a big first and Khai was on a mission to hit up all the houses and get as much candy as he could carry in his pumpkin. He opted to wear his Dracula costume from last year instead of the train conductor costume he'd been talking about since August. He informed me that he already wore it to his school Halloween party on Friday and so that was that.. done. It was raining off and on through the night, but it was warm, which made it tolerable. Khai made an anxious dash for the first house, then the second and so forth. At every door he not only rang the bell, he banged on the door (over and over) and at one house even went as far as opening their front door. The excitement of the night was everything he had anticipated. Khai also got to experience this first with his big brother Carter, who dressed up as Jason. By the end of the night, the boys had more than enough candy that Papa could steal and they wouldn't miss a piece.....
Love this pic! Glad Khai had a good time! I remember 3 was the year Nick really got it and had the most fun.
Awww I LOVE LOVE LOVE them all! I'd seen some but not all! K woman I must say... your hair looks AWESOME in these pics. You guys all looked great! I love seeing him going to his FIRST house! This year was awesome so much fun to see them totally understanding everything unlike previous years. Sweet candy haul too. Cooper seriously forgot it existed by the next day and we could just eat it! Muahahaha!
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