Beautiful scenery. Friendly people waving along the way. The boys seemed to enjoy the trip, despite being restless (alot). We were all extremely tired by the time we got off the train but still had a 2 hour ride home. The boys fell asleep instantly in the car and for the first time in the entire day John and I had a little peace and quiet. Phew!! Pulled into the drive way at 8:30pm. It was a long, long day, but an enjoyable one. The boys got a few souveniers from the trip and hopefully the pictures and memories will be something the cherish for years to come.
Sunday was spent playing with Khai's new toys and resting. Monday was Khai's final birthday celebration, with presents and another home made cake by Papa. Khai requested a PINK Jack Skellington cake. Pink. Ok, pink it is. John did a pretty decent job on it and Khai was pleased, shoving his face right into the cake. He tore through the presents rapidly and I think he more so enjoyed that part of it all, versus the actual presents! Tuesday, Khai's actual birthday, we hung around the house, played with all the new toys - books, trains, Spongebob video games, Buzz Lightyear, playdough, stickers, Batman, movies and so on - and finally wound down for bedtime at the end of the day.
I think overall, Khai made out like a bandit per usual, and hopefully he had himself a good time. He insisted that yesterday was not his birthday seeing as we celebrated all the other days, but he knows that he is now officially three years old and a big boy. We are still working on the potty training and my hope is that once he moves to the 3's room, he'll be that much more encourage to soley use the potty and we can finally ditch the pull ups. Khai's crazed behavior is still ongoing - now I question if it was the Amoxycillin or what.. hard to say. The behavior started around that time.. I just thought by now it would pass. It hasn't. Its been rough on us all but we are working through it and I have confidence we'll be fine. Maybe this is just what being three is all about!
Happy Birthday, Dude! Can you believe that we are all 3 years old now - you, me, and Cooper? When are our Mommies gonna get us all together??? We need to practice if we're gonna be the next hot boy band. P.S. I've got lots of cake leftover. Drop on by.
D'oh! I read this weeks ago, did I not comment? Bad!
Happy happy happiest of birthday's Khai!! I loved seeing all of your pictures and hearing from your Mommy all about your Birthday!! I can hardly believe all of you boys are THREE. Seriously. Where did the years go? I love you so much and am so proud of all of the things you have accomplished in these three years. You are an awesome little boy and I look forward to the day when I will finally get to meet you in real life! xoxoxo
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