Ok, so I know this is not really something he'd want me to write about for the whole world to read...but Khai pooped in the potty for the very first time. I'll try to limit my potty blogs so as to not disgust anyone.. but for anyone with a kid, you know this is HUGE. HUGE. HUGE. Remember the last time when he peed on the balance board and then finally used the potty and had this moment of emotional happiness mixed with tears? Same deal here tonight. Its pretty darn cool to see his emotions burst with this accomplishment.
Recently his teacher Ms. Ana said she'd work with him not wearing Pull-Ups during the day. I stocked his backpack up with extra pants, socks and underpants should he have an accident.. so far, I am pleased to report NO accidents! So when we got home tonight I left him in his underpants and before I knew it I saw him doing the little poop stance he does. I immediately grabbed him and set him on the toilet only to have him completely freak out on me. Crying that he couldn't do it. Scared. So here I am, sitting on the bathroom floor being the poo poo cheerleader, telling him he can do it, nothing to be scared of, singing Go Potty Go! and bloooop...he did it! Woooo! We both screamed with excitement and hugged eachother. I was so proud of my little man. I think I almost started crying. He kept saying Thank you, Goooo Khai Khai! and then demanded his treats.. lots of them to be exact. And he got them naturally. A couple Krabby Patties, a handful of gummy bears and Ma Moy gave him some animal crackers. And then I told him he's officially a big boy now. Sniff*
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is a huge milestone. It took Zach forever to cross that threshold, too. Our boys are growing up so fast. :-(
AWESOME!!!!! And love the shirt! ha ha :)
I am sooooo sooooo proud of you Khai!! That is the most fantastic news.. you are growing up into such a big boy sneef!!! AWESOME AWESOME JOB!!!!
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