Go Khai Go! On 4/2/10 I got a notice from the director at Khai's school that he was ready to move up to the next level classroom. They have the three year olds split into two or three classes - the newbies and on up. Khai's first 3's class was with Ms. Ana and Ms. Maria. Khai adores Ms. Ana, as do we. I was a little nervous when I got the notice because for one, I didn't want him leaving Ms. Ana - what if the new teacher wasn't as nice? I also was afraid he'd have a hard time with the older kids. In the mornings when we drop him off, we drop him off in the uppper 3's classroom. Its a mad house in there. Older kids, younger kids... mainly the two adjoining rooms are totally over run with wild, crazed kids. There are several older kids who come in for before school care - then they are bused to the public school. After them are some 4 and 5 year olds - most are self sufficient, daycare kids - which by that I mean they've been there long enough to know whats what and how to stand their ground. Then there are the younger ones. Some just as rambunctious, some quiet, some groggy. Mostly Khai will just stay at the breakfast table and quietly eat his food. When his buddy Zack shows up though, I feel relief that Khai has his friend there with him and eventually Ms. Ana comes and takes them to her classroom.
Now that he's in the new class .. its the room we drop him off at in the morning (actually its the adjoining room), my concern is or was, that he'd be nervous because of these wild kids. BUT my boy proved me wrong. He still has his moments in the mornings where he's quiet or clingy - but he's adjusted quite nicely and has made a few new friends. Unfortunately Zack wasn't transitioned over and his Mommy and I have hopes that the director will do that soon. Additionally, i'm not sure but it seems the morning craziness has died down some with the older kids - I'm thinking there aren't as many of them anymore (the ones that are bused out). I will have to take a look next time to be sure. Then again, I guess I haven't been paying much attention because i've been so focused on making sure Khai is happy before I walk out.
Khai's biggest thrill about being a part of what he calls the big kid class is being able to play on the big kids playground. They have the playground divided by a fence - younger kids on one side, older kids on the other. He was pretty proud of himself when I picked him up this past Monday (his first official day in the new class)! I've only met one of his two teachers, Ms. Sandy. She is the assistant teacher. The notice that was sent home says the main teacher is Ms. Edith - altho I could have sworn Ms. Sandy said it was Ms. Maria... either way, Ms Sandy is really nice and so far I like her and Khai seems to too. :-)