Mosquitoes suck in every way. As a kid living in Asia, I remember being eaten alive by these nasty little suckers. I remember having to take malaria pills when we were stationed in Bangladesh. I remember my legs being a spotted war zone of itchiness and scabs. A total disaster. Once I moved back to the States I didn't encounter as many mosquito issues but when I do get bitten I am left with huge red welts. We're talking silver dollar sized. And now, my poor little boy.. he is going thru the same thing, if not worse. The mosquitoes love him and frequently make a meal out of him. Poor thing. This recent attack was one of his worst - especially because he got one on the bottom of his foot which caused him alot of pain to walk for about three days. His forehead, as you can see from the picture, exploded into a mountain of red itch. It looked so horrible that I felt the need to keep him out of school for a few days. And when I brought him back, his teachers wondered what had happened to him - did he fall, get hit, what? No.. mosquito bite I told them...
I feel so bad for him .

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