The time has finally come for this little big boy to venture off into the next phase of his life. Kindergarten. Sniff!!! September 4th, 2012 marked the first day of school. Khai attends a full day KG class, which is actually a multi age program where KG kids and 1st graders are in the same class for a 2 year period with the same teacher. We were really excited to have him selected for this program. The pros far outweighed any cons we read about multiage classes and we felt he could really thrive with this kind of environment. One of our biggest hopes is that it will bring him out of his shell more, especially being in a class where he'd get peer guidance from the older 1st graders, and be with a teacher who would know all the ins and outs about him and his personality of the next 2 years. Another stand out pro is that he wouldn't be restricted solely to a KG curriculum if he is able to work at a 1st grade level
in any particular subject.
Fast forward a few weeks into this awesome class, we've learned that next year our entire neighborhood is being transferred to a neighboring school. I'm extremely bummed out by this. I've spoken to the principal who apologized for the oversight when accepting him into the program. She's offered to keep him in the program for the KG year though and I'm glad for that because I still think he can really benefit from it.
So far, so good. He is loving KG, his teachers, and his classmates! We have yet to have any problems with getting him to go to school. No "I don't wanna go to school!!" episodes, and he loves to ride the bus. Each week he brings home a homework packet which consists of a book to read. He's to write a list of 10 words and draw a picture that associates something in his life to the story he's read.
We are so delighted that the transition over to public school has been smooth and successful for him. Hopefully the transition to the new school next year will go equally well!

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