Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Mobility Desired
Here is a clip of one of my failed attempts.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!

My day was filled with lots of suprises too. Just for Daddy, I said DaDa for the first time, I also stood on my own for a few and I even took a step! (ok, those last two things I did the day before...but it still counts as a Father's Day present. I was impatient!!) I also threw up on Mommy, projectile style (which earned me a full night in Mommy and Daddy's bed..heh heh sneaky sneaky) and later in the afternoon I got Daddy all to myself and we played with toys and the kitties and Daddy sang the Elmo's World song to me. Cooper told me about some very cool clear paints by Crayola which I asked Mommy to buy for me and I made Daddy some handprints and framed them for him. The paints are neat because they start out clear but on special paper the color shows up! No mess and lots of fun. Cooper is so smart. It's no wonder he's my bestest pal.... Mommy wants to stand us under a blacklight to see if we are covered in secret colors. If so, she plans to paint us up.
Friday, June 15, 2007
I Officially Hate Water
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Welcome To My Crib
This is my crib and a few pictures of me in it. Last night I spent some timethere until about midnight. Originally it was against my will. I normally prefer spending my nights in Mommy' & Daddy's big bed, but after an hours worth of howling and screaming got me nowhere, I gave in. Midnight rolled around and I found Mommy bundled up on the floor of my room so I called out to her. She took me to her room, gave me a snack and let me cuddle up with her the rest of the night. Tonight is day 2 of this crib thing. I did not give in easily, but yelling and screaming is tiring. I'll give Mommy a few moments to post my report for me then stir up some chaos....although I should probably cut Mommy a break since she's pretty upset (yet again) because she went and flooded our kitchen as well as the downstairs neighbors too. Poor Mommy..she's been having a rough few days!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I'm a Whole 8 Months Today!

Mommy Don't Cry...