Mommy Don't Cry...
My Mommy is very upset. Last night I woke up around 3am and decided I'd take a roll around the bed. I rolled a little too far and fell over the side. Thankfully I've been watching the cats and have learned that they can successfully land on all I too landed on all fours, except I made a very loud thud. Not too stealthy like kitty. I was completely fine but the noise I made scared the heck out of me and Mommy too. She jumped out of bed and swept me up as fast as she could. Daddy also rushed over to see if I was ok and checked my whole body and head for bumps and bruises and shined a flash light in my eyes. He said he wanted to make sure my pupils were dilating. Waaay too bright to be doing that to me at 3am!! I got over the whole deal quick enough but Mommy was a wreck. She said she felt like the worst Mommy in the whole wide world. The rest of the night she held me close and I slept tucked in between her and Daddy. I'm fine, but Mommy isn't. She didn't sleep the rest of the night, watching me like a hawk and even today she is still quite upset. I just want to let her know - Mommy I am fine. I'm a big boy now and I'm probably going to have little accidents like this from time to time. And maybe even a few big ones. Don't worry! I love you very very much! Rawr!!!!
I think as we get older these things start to happen. In just the past 2 weeks I've managed to bruise my nose, bruise my forehead and even get a cut on my eyelid and a scratch on my nose.
Mommy says I look all beat up and strangers are going to start talking. She feels so bad whenever I hurt myself. Tell your Mommy NOT to feel bad because she is the BEST MOMMY in the WORLD! (Along with mine!!)
Make sure to give your Mommy lots of hugs and kisses today and make her feel better :)
The other day out of the blue I started bleeding from my mouth - my Mommy tried to look inside to see what happened but I wouldn't let her. I looked like a real vampire though...
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