8 down and 4 to go until the big ONE YEAR.
While I have fallen a little behind my buddies in terms of crawling, taking awesome trips out of town, and probably a few other things...I can say I have been seeing an older girl named Amia. Awww yeah, bet they can't say that! We've only met twice so far but I have a feeling there will be other dates in the near future. Her Mommy and mine met while shopping for sippy cups for us and later introduced us. I haven't shown her much interest just yet - don't want her thinking i'm too easy. You know, have to play it cool. As for the crawling - I just really don't care to right now. Why bother? Mommy picks me up, Daddy picks me up, Grandma picks me up... although sometimes it would probably come in handy to catch the kitties. In times like those, I just drop to the ground and roll after them. I still hate my crib and try desperately to escape it when i'm in it. I'm pretty much over my orange elephant but now i'm very much into my R2D2 that talks to me. I also have a cat that wags its tail and talks to me with a French accent. I beat him up and bite his tail whenever possible. In fact, Grandma says I become very violent with my toys, beating them up and throwing them around. Maybe i'll become a boxer or a martial arts master! In the food department, i'm eating all sorts of yummy things - my favorite is a rice snack called Baby Mum Mums. Thanks to Cooper for the intro on those! I did get to go to a picnic the other day. Everybody tried to hold me and coo at me and some called me fat. I was a hit. For the rest of the month I plan to continue working on my standing and walking - i'm doing pretty darn well so far and maybe...just maybe i'll attempt this crawling thing.

Happy 8 Month Birthday!!! My Mommy can't believe she ALMOST missed saying that today!!!!
So you've got a girlfriend?? Man. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't have any friends. Unless Mommy & Daddy count? Wow. I'm only a baby and even I know that sounded lame...
Well, i'm not very interested in her yet.. she screamed at me.. I cried. But nobody is supposed to know that as it would ruin my reputation.
Im not totally down with the star wars and star trek like Jen is, but even I think thats a cool toy!! He looks so cuddly! Cooper just has a cat and a lamb. You got a Robot!!!
Very nice lil' man.
Happy Belated 8 Months!!!! We just got back from our vacation to Michigan a few hours ago. I got to ride in an airplane for the 2nd time! I had fun shrieking at people and looking out the window for an hour or so before crashing out for the remainder of the flight.
My Daddy is totally trying to make my Mommy look lame with silly Star Wars jokes that are lies!! AND THEN if that wasn't nervy enough, he erased a comment my Mommy made to clear her name!!!! Mommy is unimpressed!!!
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