So. My morning starts off like this. I wake up... watch some Dora. Dora ends and normally I watch Super Why. But today, the PBS station decides it wants to go blank on me. So no Super Why. I'm unimpressed. My diaper is full, and Mommy wants to change it. Unimpressed. Mommy tries to put my sweater on, my jacket, a hat, some mittens. I"m unimpressed. I throw a tantrum, lay on the floor crying and screaming. Mommy doesn't pick me up!!! Can you imagine??? I am UNIMPRESSED!! We go downstairs to the car and Mommy tries to put me in the carseat. Yes... unimpressed. She pulls out the DVD player and turns Dora on. Ok..i'm a little impressed. We get down the road a bit...DORA DIES!!! The battery on the DVD player is out. Whoa...WHOA. This is bad news. I'm very much unimpressed. And I let Mommy know. I let her know the ENTIRE ride to grandma's. We get there and Mommy takes my stupid hat off, my stupid mittens, my stupid coat, and makes my stupid breakfast. I'm really not impressed yet. I decide I will let her take her coat off since she's obviously sweating to death and plop in her lap and let her feed me. Just as I decide to calm down for a moment, Grandma comes into the kitchen. I have to let her know i'm unimpressed. I scream at her and give Mommy more of a hard time. I won't stand up, I won't sit down. I won't do anything and she better make it better because i'm unimpressed. Of course now, she tells me she has to leave for work. Who says this is ok??? Lucky for her, I see the stairs and I get side tracked. I later realize she has made an escape and i'm sure i'm unimpressed. Thank goodness I have grandma there to give me hugs and kisses. Mommy better bring Dora back to life before we drive back home tonight. Or else.
how'd the ride home go?
Poor baby! I hope Dora comes back soon!
You are my brother. I love how you revolt against your Mommy. I love the picture of you revolting in the car seat. I make this same face in my stroller when I want out. How are you living without Dora?? Did your Mommy fix it?? Maybe I should get my Mommy to install Elmo movies in my stroller...
That pic is priceless. Keep up the protest until your mommy gets Dora fixed. Don't settle for less.
Hey, I was grouch last weekend too. Mommy made me be in a fashion show and all I wanted to do was run around and play with the toys in pottery barn. :( I wish I had a dvd in the car! I just get to look at the windshield wipers.No fun.
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