MERRY CHRISTMAS! Today I woke up nice and early. I was the first person up! Woke Mommy and we watched Dora for awhile then we went and woke Daddy up too. Daddy cooked up some breakfast for us all and I made it my job to go wake Carter. Plus that meant I could climb the stairs. I said his name many many times before he finally woke up. After we ate some breakfast, we opened up our stockings. I got some cool cars! Carter got a heap of toys, Mommy got a book of ghost stories and a KISS cd, and Daddy got a bunch of candy and a car too! After stockings, I had to take a nap. Later in the afternoon, Ba Ngoai came over and we opened our presents. I got a dinasour that roars, two Dora DVDs, money from Ba Ngoai for my college fund, a book from Carter, a stuffed animal, a shirt, and a couple other toys. OH and of course the things I opened long before Christmas - my kitchen, my activity block and my Elmo. Mommy got a new toaster over from Ba Ngoai but I went and sat on the box and dented the top of it. So tomorrow we are going to see if we can exchange it for another one. Daddy gave Mommy a new alarm clock/cd player and Mommy gave Daddy every episode of The Justice League on DVD. Ba Ngoai gave Daddy a cool new coffee maker. He's really been wanting one!! Carter got so many cool toys. I tried to steal them from him but he got grumpy at me. I can't wait til I'm older and can play with super cool toys like his! Dinner was great. Daddy burnt the biscuits though - he wasn't very happy about that. After dinner, everyone watched The 36 Chambers of Shaolin while Carter and I horsed around. Christmas is pretty cool! I think my most favorite present was the Dora DVDs.. I am going to watch them every single day!
My precious Dora!
My cool dinosaur!
Burnt biscuits
And no day or party would be complete without one of my outbursts! hee.
I'm glad you all had a nice Christmas! I remember those meltdowns all too well! They just get different (at least it's like that at 2 1/2). :)
My favorite is the last picture. I've been pulling like 20 of those a day this week! Blame it on the molars. Looks like you got lots of cool stuff! I got 2 new elmo DVD's. I love Elmo. I got lots of Elmo. An Elmo flashlight that talks, an Elmo stocking, a giant stuffed hockey Elmo, a little bed time Elmo...I'm set for Elmo's. I like your Daddy's burnt biscuits :) My Daddy burns things sometimes too! That's a cool name for your Grandma... i call mine Oma :)
hey we watched the 36th chamber of shaolin also!!! getting down with our asean side, hee hee.
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