Khai's been in pre-school a little over 2 weeks now. Its been a bit of a rough transition, but it could be worse. Week 2 came with wimpering in the mornings - but YAY, not tears! Week 3 is much better. There was some wimpering earlier in the week, but this morning was like a miracle morning! Khai slept thru the whole night until 5:30am (first WOW). Then he woke up happy an hour later (second WOW). Got to school and he said YAY!!! When he saw the building (third WOW). Then scrambled to get out of my arms and rush to his teacher and friends, saying HI!!! very happily (fourth WOW) followed by a Bye Momma! (sniff). The only drama this morning was him getting mad at me for putting him in a red tshirt so he could be easily spotted on the webcam. heh. Well, that and he didn't want to wear his coat - but we got past that quickly with the lure of apples.
Yesterday on the drive home from school, Khai and I were tapping to the music on the radio. A Linkin Park song came on (my favorite band) and Khai sang along!
Well, he was just able to sing the end of a repetative phrase - "blow it away".. but it was very, very cute. He was so happy singing along, bopping his head as we both tapped to the beat. Finally he had enough and said Mommma!!! Stop It!
This seems to be his newest phrase these days. I guess I annoy him a lot b/c I hear it a lot. ha ha.
Lili now makes it a point to tell me everything Khai eats and doesn't eat. So does Carina/Catrina. Good.
Carina/Catrina said he did really well at lunchtime and ate most of his chicken minus two pieces. I had asked Lili to please sit and work with him at lunch - maybe he'd eat for her b/c he refuses to eat for me. Sometimes I can't get him to eat and then my mom will try and he opens wide. So I'm thinking he just tries to work me sometimes. He'd rather starve than give into me, just to be difficult.
For dinner last night, Khai ate french fries, a slice of cheese, watermelon, some noodles and a yogurt drink. It took him over an hour to finish it all, but he did.
Stopped by the school at lunchtime today to donate some of Khai's old toys and of course to look in on him. It was naptime and he was lying there on his cot WITH a blanket on him. This is huge b/c he absolutely refuses to have a blanket on him at home. He seemed very happy - probably because he was right next to one of his girlfriends.. ha ha. I talked to Nancy, and she said he's SUCH a good boy and that he's adjusting very well. She said he was singing this morning, takes naps very well, and is a very well liked kid in his class and one of the sweetest. Do you think she's just fluffing me with air? Ha. I mentioned this to my mom and she agreed that he's such a sweet and cooperative little boy. So why is it then, that he's a maniac with me? Hmph.
Khai's appetite is starting to return. He ate a full dinner tonight! Tofu burger, rice, zuccini, and cucumbers. Yay!