Playing Up! Down! is one of the many favorite things I like to do with Mommy. Its kind of like follow the leader. When Mommy says Up! And we have to reach up to the sky. When she says Down! We touch the ground. Up! Reach for the sky! Down small like a ball. Up, catch the stars! Down to the ground. Then we wiggle our fingers and shake and spin around. It makes me laugh every time! You never know just what move Mommy will go with next!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Latest in Style
and I look damn good.
I read my Tommy books almost every day.
And watch Tommy with my shades on.
Monday, July 28, 2008
My Kingdom
Ruling a Kingdom is not an easy job and I often drop in to visit my people.
The first thing I do is meditate.
This helps get me to a calm, centered spot - which I believe is imperative if you want to be a good, strong, leader.
I then sit with my people, listen to them, their concerns, opinions, etc...
Then I remove their bridge so they cannot escape. Ever!!!
And yes... I have lost my pants. So what, I'm the leader.
I can do what I want.
My Kawasaki Ninja
Taking my Ninja for a spin around the living room.
The epitome of COOL.
Oh but whats cooler than cool?
Eating my snack and watching TV, all while chillin on my new bike.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Dairy Queen...yumm
Ice cream is good stuff.
It brings brothers together.
He told me to look up at the light and
I did. How did I fall for that?!!
Sugar makes me hyper. Just a little.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Clemyjontri Park

I went to Clemyjontri Park today. It was so much fun! I can't believe how huge it is! There's so much to do there and i'll definitely go back. Swings, slides, jungle gyms, trucks, trains, cars, even a carousel! I didn't go on any of the swings because I really don't like them much. My favorite part was running up and down the ramps. Oh, and I drove a car with a new friend who's Mommy thought I was a girl!!! Can't you believe that?!! Mommy corrected her right away thank goodness. In the end after all the fun, I put on my evil smirk and ran away and had to be chased. hehee.. then I went and got some ice cream! Mmmmmm.....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Club Chair

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I like listening to music with Mommy. Whenever we are in the car, I groove along to the beat. I'm really good at it too! I'm not so great at dancing yet, as I tend to just swing my arms. Every once in a while I might bounce. My current favorites are anything by The Cure and Rob Zombie. But yah, I love CDs. I like listening to them, playing with them, shoving them in slots I find around the house (like the dvd player) and eating them with Mommy.

I Torture Mommy
Sometimes I kick her in the face, sometimes I smack her, sometimes I pick her nose.
Oh Mommy, I do love you though!

Ice Pops
Sunday, July 13, 2008
21 Months
I am now 21 months. Mommy said I am to get a new car. Wahoo!
I can do so many things now too. Mommy and I have conversations all the time about important things, such as trains, and animals, and cars, and how I can't stand having my diaper changed. Mommy says I'm talking better and better every day and I show her that I can understand her - of course I still act like I don't sometimes. Its kinda fun playing like i'm a baby ... it really frustrates Mommy! But sometimes I am very good and I listen to what she tells me to do. I like to take Mommy, Daddy and Ba Ngoai on walks and show them things, I like taking baths and get really mad when I have to get out, I like throwing temper tantrums and shrieking at the top of my lungs, making phone calls to my friends, I like playing with the kitties and annoying them, I like mowing the lawn, and I still love Dora and Diego. There are just too many things to list!
Conversations with Mommy go like this:
Me: Mommeeeee come on!
Mommy: Where are we going?
Me: I don't know? Where we going?
Mommy: You tell me!
Me: Come on Momma, up up!
Mommy: You walk a ride?
Me: All Abooooard! (and I climb up on her back and make her ride me all over the house).
Mommy: Baby, Mommy needs to change your diaper.
Me: NOoooooOOooO!
Mommy: Khai Khai...
Me: Hee hee heee (as I run away).
Mommy: Khai, do you like yogurt melts?
Me: NO (as I devour the few she hands to me).
Mommy: Khai Dinh, you have a full diaper.
Me: Hee Hee Heee
Me: Good morning Pepe, Good morning Lily (to the kitties).
Kitties: (they run away)
Me: Kitty come on! Come kitty!! (making a clicking sound to call them).
Kitties: (total fear)
Me: Kitty!!! COME! Meeoooowwww Meeeooowwww
I can identify many things now. Mommy can ask me where certain things are in my books and I know where all of them are and sometimes I surprise her by showing her I've learned things on my very own that she had no clue about! I'm very smart. I've been working on hard words like Octagon (even though I have no clue what that means) and I'm adding more animal sounds to my list. I really can't wait to go to school and make some friends. I love going to the playground at the mall, and just love being out and about and my favorite word is NO. Soon i'll be 2 whole years old! And you know what that means... PARTY!!!!
I can do so many things now too. Mommy and I have conversations all the time about important things, such as trains, and animals, and cars, and how I can't stand having my diaper changed. Mommy says I'm talking better and better every day and I show her that I can understand her - of course I still act like I don't sometimes. Its kinda fun playing like i'm a baby ... it really frustrates Mommy! But sometimes I am very good and I listen to what she tells me to do. I like to take Mommy, Daddy and Ba Ngoai on walks and show them things, I like taking baths and get really mad when I have to get out, I like throwing temper tantrums and shrieking at the top of my lungs, making phone calls to my friends, I like playing with the kitties and annoying them, I like mowing the lawn, and I still love Dora and Diego. There are just too many things to list!
Conversations with Mommy go like this:
Me: Mommeeeee come on!
Mommy: Where are we going?
Me: I don't know? Where we going?
Mommy: You tell me!
Me: Come on Momma, up up!
Mommy: You walk a ride?
Me: All Abooooard! (and I climb up on her back and make her ride me all over the house).
Mommy: Baby, Mommy needs to change your diaper.
Me: NOoooooOOooO!
Mommy: Khai Khai...
Me: Hee hee heee (as I run away).
Mommy: Khai, do you like yogurt melts?
Me: NO (as I devour the few she hands to me).
Mommy: Khai Dinh, you have a full diaper.
Me: Hee Hee Heee
Me: Good morning Pepe, Good morning Lily (to the kitties).
Kitties: (they run away)
Me: Kitty come on! Come kitty!! (making a clicking sound to call them).
Kitties: (total fear)
Me: Kitty!!! COME! Meeoooowwww Meeeooowwww
I can identify many things now. Mommy can ask me where certain things are in my books and I know where all of them are and sometimes I surprise her by showing her I've learned things on my very own that she had no clue about! I'm very smart. I've been working on hard words like Octagon (even though I have no clue what that means) and I'm adding more animal sounds to my list. I really can't wait to go to school and make some friends. I love going to the playground at the mall, and just love being out and about and my favorite word is NO. Soon i'll be 2 whole years old! And you know what that means... PARTY!!!!
I'm a Dinosaur! Rawr.
Some days i'm a dinosaur. I rawr really really well! Mommy is scared of me sometimes. One of my favorite things is when Mommy plays dinosaurs with me. She's the Mommy dinosaur and i'm the baby dinosaur and we crawl around on the floor and rawr together. I also like to ride on Mommy dinosaurs back. I make her ride me all over the house while I do the rawring part.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I Still Love Noodles
My obsession with noodles continues. I can't get enough of them! If I had my way, i'd eat noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What is it about this long, stringy pasta? I need more!!!
Not one single noodle is to be wasted!!
My brother may feel the need to pose for a picture...but I'm eyeing his noodles.
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