I HATE getting my diaper changed. HATE it. Whenever I hear Mommy coming with a diaper, I run and hide in my Dora tent. Mommy can't get me in there! hee hee hee... I like to make it tough for her. She doesn't think its very funny like I do. She says I'm the one who's going to suffer because my diaper is the one thats getting full, but I see the faces she makes when she finally does catch me and changes my fully loaded package! Rawr!!
1 comment:
I hear you! I HATE getting my diaper changed too. I like it just as it is. Nice and full. I don't have a tent to hide in... looks like a pretty sneaky spot. I hide in my suit case or sometimes I just run from the room and slam the door behind me to buy me some time. That's a pretty evil look you're shooting out of the tent door... does that slow your Mommy down at all?
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