Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Still Love Noodles

My obsession with noodles continues. I can't get enough of them! If I had my way, i'd eat noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What is it about this long, stringy pasta? I need more!!!
I see you eyeing my noodles and I am not liking it!

Not one single noodle is to be wasted!!

My brother may feel the need to pose for a picture...but I'm eyeing his noodles.

Not even Mommy can stop me from my ever loving noodles!

Back to eyeing my brothers noodles. Mmmmmm....noooodles.

1 comment:

Cooper U. said...

Mmmm. What kind of noodles are those? I'm not big into noodles. I used to like spaghetti, but lately I'm into edamame. I've eaten that for dinner for two days now. So did you steal your brothers noodles? Maybe I will come over and we can share some noodles.