Saturday, January 9, 2010


This scenerio begins in the early morning with Khai wearing his Thomas big boy underwear - no Pull-Ups. Our goal today (as with the past number of days) is to go underwear only. So far, Khai still has yet to let me know when he needs to use the potty and if I don't take him to one every half hour to an hour, he'll pee himself... or poop. So far we've only had one, maybe two poop incidents and those were in the distant past when all this potty training initially started. This morning Khai and I pull out the Wii and decide we'll work out. Khai loves the running mode. We set everything up to go for a 10 minute run - approx 1.5 miles. I ask him moments before hand if he needs to use the potty. He says no. I step out of the room for a minute only to return to him standing on the balance board saying "The board is wet!!" and pee steady flowing down his leg and onto the board. So what do I do first? Rescue the board before $99 goes down the drain? Strip his wet clothes off? Pull up the play mat before the pee soaks the hardwood floor beneath? Somehow super mom manages to do it all in a handful of minutes and soon enough we are off on our jog after a little talk about not going in the underwear otherwise the Pull-Ups go back on.

Fast forward to a little later in the morning:
Battles ensue over potty usage. Temper tantrums, fits on the bathroom floor, "I don't have to pee!!" followed by instant peeing as soon as he sits on the potty, followed by him being so excited that he's done it that he's laughing and crying at the same time - kind of what you'd expect to see when someone wins the lottery or something. He gets a bunch of hugs, high fives, and treats and runs along as I'm shouting out after him "POTTY POWER!!!".

Fast forward to this afternoon:
"Do you have to poop?" "NO! I SAAAID NO!".
I asked him a few times this afternoon, and kept getting the same response, but I knew it was coming... and nobody likes to clean poop out. Then while i'm in the bedroomI smell it...he's his big boy underwear. I come out to the living room where he's at and he's standing there with a smirk on his face.
"You pooped didn't you".
"Hee hee hee".
"Khai! Why did you poo poo in your underwear?"
"Because I didn't poo poo in the potty."
"Why didn't you poo poo in the potty?"
"Because I pooed in my underwear".
"But Thomas is sad now because you pooed on him, and poo poo is sad because he wanted to go into the potty to see his mommy and daddy...."
"But mama, the poo poo wanted to stay with his friends..not go see his mommy and daddy."

Khai wins.


Noe said...

Poopy pants ha ha ha

Jen said...

Hehe I love it. You've got to admit they have some pretty good logic sometimes...
I am totally picturing the crying and laughter after the potty... awesome!!