Before I came Mommy was addicted to Dance Dance Revolution. She even missed Christmas dinner once because she got carried away playing it for hours. Another time, she and Daddy had a DDR competition. They stayed up all night playing until they (Daddy) broke the dance pad. For Christmas last year, Daddy got her a new dance pad...but then I came alone and Mommy couldn't very well jump around with me in her belly. The dance pad has since made its way over to Sassy and Mose's house and now my cousins and I play on it. Sassy even gets on it sometimes. Just so you know, I am a pro.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
My Grill.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I Went To The ER Tonight

When we got there Mommy had to fill out some paperwork and I was seen right away by a nurse. The bleeding had finally stopped for the moment and I had my vitals checked. I'm 22 pounds by the way. Mommy thought for sure I was heavier. Anyways, after all that was done the nurse told us to fill out insurance papers and then go wait in the waiting room for the doctor.
We waited...and waited...and waited... 1.5 hours! I was in so much pain and cried most of the 2 hours. Not only was I hurting so much, I was hungry, wet and it was past my bedtime.Daddy sang to me and Mommy rocked me until I fell asleep in her arms from exhaustion.Daddy was really upset because we had been waiting for so long and every time he asked the front desk staff when we'd be seen, he was told "next" or "soon".
Eventually we were called to the back but it turns out we had to wait another 30 minutes! Daddy was really mad now. Finally the doctor showed up. He said I busted up my gums right above one of my top teeth and it was going to bruise bad and hurt for a while. He checked my teeth - all were intact and not wobbling. He said I'd be ok and to take Motrin for several days, eat soft foods only and cold stuff. He also said he wanted to give me some Motrin for the pain right away. Daddy told him we lived only 5 minutes away and had Motrin at home, but the doctor said he would prefer to give it to us right away and would have it to me within 5 minutes.
We waited...and waited, just like before. 5 minutes passed... more minutes passed. Mommy and Daddy decided enough was enough and that we were going home. Daddy went to the nurses station and asked if we could check out. A male nurse was there and told Daddy NO. He said he was going to come give me my 5 minutes. Daddy said the doctor told us that over 5 minutes ago and that we could have been home already and I could have had Motrin and been in bed. The nurse was a mean man and tried to get nasty with Daddy, but Daddy wasn't having any of it. He told the nurse he was being rude and can you believe the nurse dared tell my Daddy that HE was being rude?? Mommy stepped in and told the nurse that Daddy did nothing wrong. Daddy didn't raise his voice or anything. He just asked if we could sign out and go home. That man must have been having a bad day, but so was I and I just wanted to go home!! Mommy took the Motrin from the nurse and gave it to me herself while Daddy got the papers from him and we were out the door by 9:20 Phew*
Mommy and Daddy said they were really upset about this bad ER experience. This is the same hospital Mommy had me at and had always thought it was a good place. But tonight it wasn't and it wasn't like the ER was busy... the staff were just bad bad bad. And poor me... I was bleeding and crying and they didn't care. Mommy is in the process of righting a letter of complaint to the hospital and plans on calling them next week. Go Mommy.
Daddy is just fuming over the whole ordeal. Me, i'm going to bed. I guess this is my very first big injury story.. not even a year old and already visiting the ER. The doctor told Mommy this won't be the last time. Mommy wasn't very pleased to hear that.
*Just a note to Zach - I was wearing the tshirt you sent for my upcoming birthday (yeah..sorry I was impatient and opened it early). For everyone else, the tshirt said "Troublemaker is my middle name" and it's a very cool black shirt with a skull on it. The nurse laughed ... Mommy said the shirt was appropriate...and the blood I got on it added the perfect final touch.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Dora And The Gang

Dora comes on TV twice a day as far as I know, but lucky me I have Dora DVD's! I can watch Dora anytime! Mommy also found out that she can order Dora video's all day long on Cox on Demand - which is like the pay-per-view channel, except its Free!!! We like Free. But not only can I get Dora, I can get anything I want. Backyardigans, Diego, Wonder Pets..... ANYTHING!! It really comes in handy when there is absolutely nothing on TV to appease me, like this morning - when I woke up I was a little grouchy and Mommy usually puts on Super Why!... I love that show because it teaches me how to read and say words. But for some reason, the screen was black. There was nothing else worth watching and I wasn't having it. Dora to the rescue!! I was instantly happy. I was so happy that I decided to say MAP for Mommy and Daddy. I did!!! MAP MAP MAP!! 

On the way downstairs to the car, I spit out Backpack. Yep, I sure did. Mommy didn't believe Daddy when he told her what I had just said. She scoffed at him. Pffft, scoffing at my Daddy like that. I said Backpack again.. and Daddy said "Heh! Tell me he didn't just say Backpack".. Mommy was so surprised. Backpack, by the way, is another one of my favorite characters on Dora. Mommy's is Swiper the Fox. She thinks he's sneaky and hilarious.
The whole drive to Grandma's house, I said Map Map Map and Mommy said it with me. I shook my magic Elmo wand which plays music and we had a blast!

Sunday, September 16, 2007
I Hate The Park
Back to the park. When we first got there, Mommy put me in a swing. I cried. She got on one and sat me on her lap. I fussed. We got off the swings and went to the slides. I wasn't having any of that either. Daddy convinced her to go down the super big slide with me. I think she was just as scared as I was. Then Daddy took me for a slide down. They had me try out all the different things at the playground but I kept watching the boy on the bike riding around. I was determined to make it my mission to get that bike. When Mommy and Daddy weren't looking, I made my escape towards the boy.... but he was too quick.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Museum and Metro
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Sunday Afternoon
Today I was Mommy's helper while she cleaned the kitchen. My job was to hand her paper towels. Mommy says I did a wonderful job. I'm a paper towel hander pro!!
More Cherrio Mischief
Monday, September 3, 2007
Labor Day Weekend Loot and Fun
This weekend is a long weekend because of Labor Day. Mommy also had Friday off, so we get to spend four straight days together!
First, the mischief. I have boycotted naps. Its kind of like back in the day when I revolted against the bottle. Mommy likes for me to have two naps a day - she says I get cranky if I don't nap. So guess what? I made it a point to fight the nap. She normally makes me take one at 9am, but I managed to push it until 11am each day this weekend. Then at least twice in the past few days, I've managed to completely avoid my 2nd nap. Mwaa hahahaa....
I guess no naps make me fussy, its true. But it was fun kicking, scratching, punching and yelling at Mommy while she tried to get me to nap. Poor Mommy. She says she is baby abused and must join a support group.
Now the loot. Mommy said she heard from Zach's Mommy that he got a cool soccer ball and
really liked it, so guess what? I got one too! A golden one! Its very cool and i've been having fun kicking it around. I'm a soccer pro! I also got a very cool Bones in a Box. Mommy has been wanting to get me a Jack in the Box but hasn't been able to find one - then yesterday we went to Michaels to check out their Halloween stuff and she stumbled upon this one. Its got a skeleton that pops out of the box - doesn't scare me though. I also got a
car that has a doggy sitting in it and when you shake it up the motor starts up and if you shake it up more, it drives away from me! At first it was really fun, but then today I got really mad at it cause it kept getting away from me. I decided to eat the wheels.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Cherrio Mayhem
Not only did I dump the box out, I dumped the Cherrio dust out. Shortly after this photo was taken, Mommy pulled out the vaccum and sucked my precious Cherrio's away...but not before I fiendishly grabbed handfuls and shoved them in my mouth. I am quick. This will happen again. That, my friend, is a promise.
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