First, the mischief. I have boycotted naps. Its kind of like back in the day when I revolted against the bottle. Mommy likes for me to have two naps a day - she says I get cranky if I don't nap. So guess what? I made it a point to fight the nap. She normally makes me take one at 9am, but I managed to push it until 11am each day this weekend. Then at least twice in the past few days, I've managed to completely avoid my 2nd nap. Mwaa hahahaa....
I guess no naps make me fussy, its true. But it was fun kicking, scratching, punching and yelling at Mommy while she tried to get me to nap. Poor Mommy. She says she is baby abused and must join a support group.
Now the loot. Mommy said she heard from Zach's Mommy that he got a cool soccer ball and
really liked it, so guess what? I got one too! A golden one! Its very cool and i've been having fun kicking it around. I'm a soccer pro! I also got a very cool Bones in a Box. Mommy has been wanting to get me a Jack in the Box but hasn't been able to find one - then yesterday we went to Michaels to check out their Halloween stuff and she stumbled upon this one. Its got a skeleton that pops out of the box - doesn't scare me though. I also got a
car that has a doggy sitting in it and when you shake it up the motor starts up and if you shake it up more, it drives away from me! At first it was really fun, but then today I got really mad at it cause it kept getting away from me. I decided to eat the wheels.
What?!! You guys have soccer balls? I'm so asking Mommy for one... that sounds like fun. I love throwing balls around the living room! I love your bones in a box too... very cool! I have a skeleton toy too... it's a dog toy but I love it. I wouldn't leave it in the store :) Hope you're having a good long weekend with your Mommy! We're about to go to Toy R Us... Mommy says it's dangerous... too many toys...
Wow, you totally scored this weekend. Maybe I should try skipping naps. That's an AWESOME soccer ball. I've just got the traditional black & white one. Sometimes, I can kick it across the room. It makes the kitties scatter. Hee hee.
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