I hated the swings, I hated the slide, I hated the teeter totters.. I hated just about everything at the park. I even hated the wood chips they put on the grounds. The only thing that really truly fascinated me was this boys bike. I wanted that bike. Oh, and I also found fascination in the cars that drove by. As some of you may know, I am very much into wheels. I like wheels of all kinds. Ones on cars, shopping carts, strollers.....

Back to the park. When we first got there, Mommy put me in a swing. I cried. She got on one and sat me on her lap. I fussed. We got off the swings and went to the slides. I wasn't having any of that either. Daddy convinced her to go down the super big slide with me. I think she was just as scared as I was. Then Daddy took me for a slide down. They had me try out all the different things at the playground but I kept watching the boy on the bike riding around. I was determined to make it my mission to get that bike. When Mommy and Daddy weren't looking, I made my escape towards the boy.... but he was too quick.
Don't get me wrong, the whole outing wasn't a bust. I did laugh and smile - saw a couple doggies, saw lots and lots of cars (wheels!) and got to play with some leaves. I also got to ride on Daddy's shoulders and I bit Mommy's finger.
I went to the park this weekend, too! Mommy threw a baby shower for Miss Jennifer, so Daddy and I had to skedaddle. We went out for lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon checking out a new park. We're gonna have my 1st birthday party there because our neighborhood party was completely booked for my birthday. It was a pretty cool park. It has the steamboat theme. Anyway, I rode the swings without crying, but I'm still wary. We brought my soccer ball. I really liked playing in the sand, though. Daddy was suppose to take pictures of me, but I kept him busy playing with me. When you ride on your daddy's shoulders, try biting his ears. It's fun. ;-)
Just noticed...I like chewing on keys, too!!!
Grrr. I hate those wood chips too. Mostly because I really want to eat them and Mommy won't let me. I do enjoy the swing and the slide though. My park doesn't have teeter totters. What the heck are those? I'll have to ask Mommy. That bike looks really cool. Did you ever get to try it out? I love wheels too. I love spinning them around and around and around. Maybe our Mommy's should get us bicycles for our Birthdays! Good job biting your Mommy and getting your Daddy to carry you on his shoulders!
I love love love the picture of you and your Mommy. It is very very cute! And look at you walking all around!! So are you officially walking now Khai? I didn't get the memo!!! Looks like you have a nice big park to play at :)
Yes. I am an official walker. I thought I told you guys? Maybe I forgot. I have so much on my agenda these days.. i'm sorry if I missed sending out the memo.
Teeter Totters... you know...you sit on one side, someone sits on the other and you teeter totter!
Keys are good. I was trying to steal the car.
Khai you look so sad at the park. i can tell how bad you wanted that bike. dont worry tho one day you will have one of your very own. and if you come up to bmore we'll pimp it out and roll thru the hood. i can't wait :)
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